30. Dusted

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I just watched Infinity War and Endgame for the 3000th time and I thought, 'What if Bucky hadn't been dusted?' so here u go :)

There will be a part 2, so stay tuned lol

Word Count: 822

"What did you do?" You heard Thor yell at the Mad Titan, Thanos

He had obtained all six Infinity Stones, killing two of your friends in the process

One was his own daughter for the Soul Stone, and the other, the Mind Stone got ripped straight from his head despite Wanda's success in destroying it

The God of Thunder's voice roared again, but this time, much louder and much more angry "What did you do?!"

The purple giant smirked mockingly at him before closing his fist and creating a dark blue and black portal to disappear into, causing Stormbreaker to fall to the ground of the Wakandan forest

You stared at Thor in shock and confusion as to what just happened, before joining with Steve and walking towards him

"Where'd he go? Thor... Where'd he go?" You said desperate to get an answer, but feeling a bit weird inside

"Steve? Y/N?" You heard the voice of Bucky Barnes, but it was distant

You hoped to God that nothing had happened to him, but when both you and Steve turned to look at him, he was facing the opposite direction and looking at someone else

It turned out that he was looking at another of your friends, Sam Wilson, but he was being turned to dust

All three of you and Thor didn't know how to react, so when you heard Rhodey's voice calling for the man who just died, you didn't know what to tell him

You looked around and you saw Wanda, Groot and T'Challa all go the same way that Sam did, leaving you, Rocket and Okoye confused and devastated

You didn't know what the hell was happening, but Bucky's eyes darted straight to you after he saw the Falcon turn to dust

"Y/N?" he said, hurrying over to you and putting his hands on either side of your face

"Are you okay?" he said frantically - you had been with him since the 40's, and he didn't want to lose you now, but he didn't know what was happening

All attention from everyone else that was left in the forest was now on the two of you

You shook your head and looked down at your hand, which was now slowly beginning to turn to a dark grey ash just like your friends

When Bucky saw it, his heart shattered, he knew what was about to happen, but he couldnt let it - after all you've been through together, he couldn't let you die just like that

You collapsed into him, but he caught you and held you up as your leg started to disappear

"Y/N, stay with me, okay? Please don't go" he begged, confused as to why you were taking longer to go, but not complaining at all

Seeing the fear and desperation in his face didn't help the situation at all, as your chest started to disappear

"Bucky, I feel really-"

That was it, you had gone but he denied it

A tear rolled down his face as he looked straight ahead where you had just been

His arms stayed where they were when they were holding you up

They dropped down to his sides as he fell onto his knees and buried his face in his hands

No one apart from you and Steve had ever seen him cry before, so no one really knew what to say to him

Just when Bucky thought his life couldn't get any worse, a God like creature crawls up out of his cave and takes you away from him without giving him an explanation or a reason why

You were one of the best things that's ever happened to him, but now that he didn't have you, he didn't know what to do with himself anymore

His whole body felt numb and for a second, he thought he was about to turn to dust too, but when he didn't, he was starting to come to terms with the fact that you weren't coming back and there was nothing he could do to save you

After a few more seconds, he looked around and saw most of the survivors: Steve, Thor, Rhodey, Nat, Rocket, Okoye and Bruce all looking at each other in disbelief as Steve was sat on the ground next to Vision's grey, lifeless, dead body, which he rolled over so that he was on his back

"What is this? What the hell is happening?" Rhodey spoke, making Bucky stand up again and join the remaining few people that were left

Silence fell over the group as they each mourned a fallen friend respectively, soon being brought back to reality by Steve's simple, yet shaky remark

"Oh God... "

Bucky Barnes One Shots - EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now