68. Memory

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This is one where you actually have superpowers- I won't write many like this unless you guys want it I guess :)

I don't think this one flows as well as my other ones, but I guess I'll leave it to you to decide

The counting of the words: 1880 of em

"What is it that you actually do?" he asked you, putting his head in his hand and watching you with intent as the pair of you sat on your bed

"Bucky, I've explained this to you about 3 times" you replied, laughing at his interest in you

"I know, but I just... I- uhh-" he tried, but couldn't think of a reason - he just wanted to speak to you

You laughed again as you got comfy on your bed to tell him what you can do

"So, you know how Wanda can read thoughts and control people's nightmares through telekinesis and some form of neuroelectric interfacing?" You said, not expecting him to understand what you just said

Surprisingly, he did, and he nodded quickly, making you continue speaking

"Well, Wanda can only read thoughts and she can't see them like a first person memory, but I can. It's basically advanced mind reading" you said, using your hands to explain

"Ohhhhh, so if you were to look into my head, you'd be able to see things as I do? From my perspective?" Bucky replied, very intrigued

When you nodded, his eyes lit up and he said "Who was the first person you did it to?"

You laughed at his excitement as you spoke again "Bucky Barnes, do you want me to look in your head?"

You then panicked when his face dropped slightly at this

He looked down and started playing with his hands "I- I don't think that's a very good idea, doll" he stuttered, rubbing the back of his neck nervously

"Aww, come on, Bucky. What's the worst that can happen?" You said, reaching out to put your hand on his forehead

He awkwardly, yet gently, grabbed your wrist and moved it to the side as he spoke "The worst that could happen? You could see something from my past that I don't want anyone to see, especially you, Y/N"

You pouted, trying to guilt trip him into letting you see what you wanted, as you turned on your puppy dog eyes and looked your friend in the eyes, not realizing what he just said "Please?"

After a few seconds, he sighed and directed your hand back in front of his forehead "Fine. But I warned you"

You smiled at him reassuringly, as your fingers softly came into contact with his skin, making your powers come into effect

He was forced to close his eyes and relaxed into your hand, as his hand dropped from your wrist and the concerned expression disappeared from his face

He let out a long sigh and you felt yourself searching through his mind for a memory

You picked one at random, and you suddenly felt yourself in a different body- in Bucky's


You were laying on the cold, hard floor with chains around your wrists, restricting you from moving very far

You were about to try and sit up, when a door screeched open - that's when you realised that you were trapped in a cell with one window that was barred over, letting minimal light in

Bucky Barnes One Shots - EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now