46. The Song Game Pt. 2

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mollymeyers07, this is for you :)

I changed the request a little bit- you asked for Tony to be the cause of the singing, but it's gonna be Bucky instead- hope you don't mind!

If this isn't quite what you had in mind, just tell me and I'll be happy to write an alternate version :)

Tony still lives tho lmao

Word Count: 940

The answer to THAT question was yes, yes you would (End of part 1)

Now that Bruce had brought everyone back after 5 years, you finally had your singing partner back, and you were forever grateful to yourself and the team for managing to collect the Infinity Stones

Everyone else though, they weren't so pleased that Bucky had returned

Because that meant more singing

On the battlefield

As soon as he came back

The Avengers compound had just been destroyed by Thanos's ship, and everyone who turned to dust had come back through one of Stephen's portals with epic music and camera angles and shit

As soon as you saw Bucky, your heart filled with happiness, as you sprinted into his arms and got spun around by him

Everyone saw the pair of you kiss for the first time and were incredibly moved by this sight, but it didn't last long- you had a job to do, but not before Bucky spoke to you, accidentally starting the game again

He joked "Surprised you managed to get by without me"

A huge smile appeared on your face, which Bucky means that you had an idea, so he mirrored the smile and knew exactly how you were going to respond

You winked at him and started to sing loudly "You think I'd crumble? You think I'd lay down and die?"

You grabbed his arm to pull him forward towards Steve, where he shouted "Avengers, assemble"

Thor let out a battle cry and you all charged towards Thanos and his army of Chitauri, you and Bucky side by side, as you yelled to him "Oh no, not I, I will survive"

He smiled again as his gun spat bullets into the aliens attacking you before shouting over the sound of the battle "Oh, as long as I know how to love, I know I'll stay alive"

He walked up to you and kissed you again quickly before you stabbed a Chitauri "I've got all my life to live"

"And I've got all my love to give, and I'll survive"

Your attention diverted back to him as you looked him in the eyes and sang "I will survive"

Because there was a small pause in the song where you were, you sheathed your knife and pulled out your pistols, shooting anything that dared to get within 10 metres of Bucky, even though you knew he could handle it without fault

"Go on now, go" you shouted, nodding your head away from him, earning a "Walk out the door" back from a fighting Bucky

You didn't realise that he was looking at you again and he was trying to warn you that you were about to be impaled, but he coincidentally got the perfect line in the song for this "JUST TURN AROUND NOW" this came out quite panicky, but he still sang it

As you followed his command, you came face to face with a Chitauri, dodged it's attacks and said straight to its face with full confidence "Cause you're not welcome anymore" before pulling a pro gamer move and stabbing it with its own stabby thing

As it fell to the floor, Bucky had turned around himself and punched an alien into oblivion "Weren't you the one who tried to break me with goodbye?"

The pair of you had said goodbye to each other 5 years ago, neither of you were going to do it again

You repeated "You think I'd crumble?"

At this point, you lost sight of Bucky, so you were surprised when you heard his voice behind you

Rather than singing the next line, he just spoke it "You think I'd lay down and die?"

A laugh came from your lips as you replied "Well, you kinda did, Buck"

He kissed you for the third time in that battle, smirked and cockily remarked "Yeah, but I got back up"

The rest of the battle went exactly the same way, with you continuing the song

"Oh no, not I, I will survive"

Tony looked towards Stephen, who held up one finger, telling him he had to end everything in exactly one minute, and that the one successful future he foresaw was now at risk

"Oh, as long as I know how to love, I know I'll stay alive"

A scream from Thanos putting the Power Stone back into the gauntlet after punching Carol echoed around the whole battlefield

"I've got all my life to live"

Before Thanos could snap again, Tony dived for the gauntlet, slightly pulling it towards him

"And I've got all my love to give and I'll survive"

He got pushed away by Thanos, but didn't immediately get back up again

"I will survive"

Thanos raised the gauntlet on his hand and said his signature line "I am inevitable" but when he snapped his fingers, it just made a clinking sound, to which he looked at his Stone-free hand in confusion

"I will survive"

Everyone then saw Tony calmly raise his hand, wince in pain, and then heard him speak the words "And I am Iron Man" and with snap of his fingers, Thanos and his army turned to dust, but Tony himself turned to you and Bucky and spoke the truth

"I will survive"

Bucky Barnes One Shots - EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now