137. Taken Pt. 2

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Thanks _skittles107_, I couldn't have written this one without you bestie <33

If you haven't already, I would recommend checking out my "Special Books" reading list, as it is full of books written by my Wattpad friends and readers- go show them some support and thank you :)

But again, thanks Skittles, love you bae <3

This one gets better towards the end, I promise

Word Count: 1955

"What's the Winter Soldier?" You asked, playing even dumber than before, making the man in front of you glare at you, but you just glared straight back - you had been interrogated before and you knew how to handle it

"I'm gonna stop you right there. If your plan is to wriggle out of this by being annoying, then it isn't going to work-" he paused to look down at his clipboard and ran his hand down it, before stopping and looking back at you "-Y/N"

You tried not to show your surprise, and asked "How do you know my name?"

"Well, we had to find you somehow, didn't we? How could we find you if we don't know your name?" he replied flatly

You tried to be more annoying by asking more questions "What's your name?"

He sighed and said quite quickly "My name is whatever you want it to be, my age isn't important, I have a boyfriend, two dogs, and want information from you"

I swear that one of you said you wanted him to be gay, so here you go lmao

His answer made you run out of questions immediately, but you quickly thought of more as he mentioned his partner

"What's your boyfriend's name?" You asked in an annoying tone, as you cocked your head to the side

The man though, just ignored your question, as he asked one of his own "Where's the Winter Soldier?" he asked, louder and more aggressively

"What was your name again? Whatever I want it to be? Hmm, okay, uhh... Tough choice... Let's go with... Simon. Do you like Simon? You look like a Simon. Hey Simon!" You ranted, thinking of Bucky and his little rants as you did

"Okay, fine. My name is Simon. Your name is Y/N. Where. Is. The. Winter. Soldier" Simon asked, getting more and more agitated with you

Looks like your plan of annoying him was working after all

"Simon, if you'll answer my questions, I'll tell you aaaaaaanything you want to know" you said, rolling your head around on the word "anything"

You were lying of course, but he then narrowed his eyes as they scanned your whole body "Anything?" he said in an unconvinced tone

"Anything. I'd pinky promise you but like-" you tilted each hand upwards and shrugged "-kinda can't"

"Y/N, I don't have time for games" he said, standing up and leaning right into your face, clearly frustrated

"Neither have I, that's why I just promised to tell you anything, duuuh" with this noise you made at the end, you stuck your tongue out to the side and crossed your eyes, furrowing your eyebrows in the process

Simon let out a sigh and sat back down in his seat as he asked "Ask your first question"

It sounded more like a command than a question, so you looked offended and said "What's the magic word?"

He yelled your name at you, and you started to laugh out "Okay, okay, I'm sorry. First question- have you ever interrogated someone before?"

He didn't expect you to ask that, and just by his expression when you finished, you knew that you were his first

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