114. Dusted Pt. 6

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You love this story, I love this story, here we go with part 6

Wow- part SIX

Fuckin ell

I didn't really know how to end this one, but stay tuned for part 7 :)))

Word Count: 1490

Before he knew it, Bucky was stood back on the platform in 2023 where he previously was, with everyone else stood in the same circle as before

But, there was one less person this time

For a few seconds, everyone looked at each other in disbelief, as helmets and time suits disappeared from around them

Bucky noticed that almost everyone in the circle was holding something, but couldn't help but feel like something was off

Rhodey was the first to speak, as he held out his hand and showed the group the little grey sphere that protected the Power Stone

He let out a little chuckle and said "Are you telling me this actually work-" he started, but Bucky had figured out what was wrong

"Clint, where's Nat?" he asked loudly, as the soaking archer fell to his knees with tears in his eyes

He looked at Bucky with a heartbroken expression, making the super soldier avert his gaze past Steve to Bruce

No one could quite believe it - Black Widow was dead

Natasha Romanoff was dead

"Guys?" Tony said gently, as his eyes flickered between Bruce and Clint "Are you okay?"

Although Bruce loved her, Clint was the most destroyed - he had lost his best friend, and it made it even worse that he had to watch her die

As a response to Tony's question, Bruce dropped onto just one knee- similar to how Clint did, and he punched the glass floor so hard that it left a little crack

The fact that they had lost one of the most extraordinary Avengers made Bucky remember the phrase they all said before the Time Heist- "Whatever it takes"

Bucky had gained a newfound respect for her, and he knew that he would've done exactly the same for you

But, he found himself a bit confused as to why everyone was so upset, because they had the Infinity Stones - couldn't they just use them to get her back?

He voiced his confusion, but Thor dragged it out, getting into an argument with Clint, and making Bucky regret saying anything

"Thor-" Rocket tried, but Clint interrupted him, making him look at Nebula, who simply looked away like she didn't even know him

"It can't be undone, it can't. Or at least, that's what the floating, red skull guy said" Clint said, now stood up again, the Soul Stone lighting up his right hand as he spoke

This attracted the attention of Steve, who looked at Clint in shock as he spoke "Floating Red Skull guy?"

"Guys, calm down, okay?" Bucky shouted, over the argument, but he was ignored by both men

These kind of arguments would never normally happen around the Avengers, because you would always be there to stop them, and now Bucky was trying his best to remember what you would do without panicking or getting mad

The other Avengers and Guardians in the circle watched silently, as they could clearly see that Bucky's head was still full of thoughts about you, making everyone feel even worse than they already did

Even Steve stayed quiet- he wanted to see what Bucky would do without you

So, as the petty argument went on, Clint started pointing at Thor, and he kept telling him to go speak to the "Floating red skull guy"

Bucky Barnes One Shots - EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now