174. Smooch - DW

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Blame Skittles for the title lmao, I thought she was joking, but no, no she wasn't-

Y'know when a story just feels shit-

Word Count: 1530

It was around 4 am, and you were in the living room of the tower with your best friend, Bucky

You weren't exactly best friends at the start of the night, but you definitely were now - you were already friends, close friends, but you got even closer

The two of you were sat cross legged on the floor, despite there being sofas and chairs all around you

Both of you just talked to each other, while also learning so much about one another

Bucky was comfortable talking about anything, and he would always give you an answer to a question or a reply to a statement

But, he understood if you didn't want to answer something, he wouldn't push you for an answer

You both had a great time, but eventually, you both craved a coffee, so Bucky offered to make you one and you accepted, so he stood up, waited for a second while his legs woke back up, and strolled into the kitchen

Lmao I hate coffee

Although you had been talking to him for so long, there was something you had wanted to ask for ages that you still hadn't yet

So, as he walked away and shoved his hands in his pockets, you called out after him "Bucky, I have a question"

He kept walking and replied "Yeah?"

"Okay, have you ever kissed anyone?" You said, bluntly and straight to the point, hoping he wouldn't catch on to what you were implying

He laughed a bit and after turning on the light to the kitchen and wincing at the brightness, he answered "Oh yeah, I used to get kissed all the time in the 40's, believe it or not. It's actually scary how many people tried. It's even scarier to think about how many people succeeded"

He looked up in reflection at what he said, but he soon shook his head and started to make the coffee

This wasn't a lie, but it wasn't quite the answer you were looking for

These aren't the droids we're looking for

You stood up from your place on the floor with a bit of difficulty, as you've been sat there for like 9 hours and haven't moved - you had been sat there longer than he has

You even lost your balance and almost fell over, but you managed to save yourself in time with the arm of the sofa

A small sigh left you as you walked over to him, acting like nothing happened, but he was laughing so it was pretty difficult not to, as he looked over at precisely that moment

Before he could say anything though, you continued your conversation "No, I mean like a real, proper kiss. Like full on love- not just an in-the-moment kiss"

His personality and expression changed almost instantly, as he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly with his normal hand

"Uhh, yeah... But not like... This" he stuttered, motioning to himself

A confused look appeared on your face as you tilted your head to the side and furrowed your eyebrows

He then waved his metal arm up and down awkwardly and tried again "Not after I fell off the train"

"Ohh" you let out when you understood, as you looked down and wore an almost disappointed expression

He must've noticed this, as he stuttered again "It wasn't really love anyways, I-I knew it wouldn't last. I guess I was just... Y'know, trying to convince myself it would"

Bucky Barnes One Shots - EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now