152. Friendship

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Not really a request, but I was given this idea by the Gecko King: InsertCoolUser1

You probably don't even remember this lmao

Forgive me if any ages or dates are wrong, I did a lot of research for this one, but there were loads of different dates and years for the same thing, so I've tried my best to make it as true as possible, but I didn't find how Bucky's mother died, so I made that up :)

I love this one so much omg

Word Count: 3438

You had known Bucky your entire life - you knew him before both of you even went to school

Bucky was born in 1917, you were born the year after, and you met in 1920

You met him from the 3 year old Bucky Barnes seeing you in your mother's arms

Yours and his mothers were best friends too, so when Bucky asked if he could hold you, your mother was reluctant from how young he was, but when Winnifred reassured her that he would be gentle with you, she let him

He had to sit down to hold you in his little arms, but he tried his best

He looked down at your face as you awoke and made eye contact with him

"Hi, Y/N" he said "I'm James" he spoke, his small voice making you smile and laugh, as he held you closer

From that moment on, your mothers and him all knew that this would be a long friendship, especially when he looked up at Winnifred and said "I love her, Mommy!"

Your mothers looked at each other with a smile before Winnifred told him "I'm sure she loves you too, honey"

"I hope so, she's so cute, and pretty, and funny, and-" as the little boy started ranting about you, your mothers started to talk about what might happen in the future, and both of them hoped you would stay by each other's sides through everything

And you were

When you both met Steve in 1930, Bucky still treated you really well and didn't push you away to make room for the blond - you would always be of highest importance to him, even when he was 13

You looked up to him for saving a weak, scrawny-looking boy getting beaten up by some bullies at the end of a dark alleyway, and you saw him as a hero

The only time you and Bucky were apart was when you had to go to different classes, and in the middle of an art class with Steve, he had learned that America had joined World War 2, and immediately he knew that he would be made to fight when he was old enough

And he would have to leave you

That's what scared him the most - he didn't care that he might die in the War, he only cared that you would be alone

Well, you wouldn't be entirely alone, he knew that Steve wouldn't be able to go, as he had literally every illness under the sun, but he also knew how much you both needed each other - neither you or Bucky could live without the other

So, when the last lesson ended, Bucky told Steve that he had to talk to you, so he hurried through the corridors of the school until he found you, and he looked quite shaken

"James? Are you okay? I was just about to come get you" You were the only person who called him by his first name, because you were the only person who was allowed to (Apart from his parents, of course)

He put his hands quickly on your shoulders and gained the attention of a few people walking past "Y/N, I, uhh... " he started, but he didn't know how to finish

Bucky Barnes One Shots - EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now