136. Father's Day

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Bucky with kids is so cute I love it sm omg

Btw, the names of the kids are what I wanna name mine if I have any-

I gave the kids names just to make it easier to read :)

Word Count: 2040

Father's Day in the Avengers tower isn't what you would expect

The guys that did have kids would bring their kids in, but because you, Bucky and your kids already lived there anyways, this wasn't a problem for you

Tony would bring in Morgan, Clint would bring in his 3 kids, and Peter and Vision would always get Tony a card for a laugh, not knowing that it actually meant a lot to him

You and Bucky had 3 kids - an 8 year old, a 7 year old, and the youngest was only nearly 2 old, meaning that this Father's Day would be the first one where all of your kids were able to speak, and they were so excited

The 5 of you were welcomed at the tower, and the Avengers literally wouldn't leave your kids alone- they loved them so much, and they would protect them before each other

It was like your kids were everyone's kids, and you couldn't be happier

The two older kids were boys, meaning that your friends tried their best to connect with them, but when you announced that your new child was a girl, Nat and Wanda were very smug

The oldest was called Daniel, and he was very close to his father, making you incredibly happy, as he was very similar to him too

The middle child was called Elliott, and he was like a little version of Clint - he wouldn't leave him alone, and was honestly closer to him than he was to you

The youngest was called Lola (You now know why :) ), and Bucky was obsessed with her - he had always wanted a daughter, and he was ecstatic when you told him that you were going to have one

All of them got along, and Bucky's protective gene must've been passed down through his boys, because Daniel and Elliott protected Lola like Bucky protected you, and that warmed your heart a lot

Sometimes your kids would do things that remind their parents of each other - Elliott would laugh at stupid shit, which would remind Bucky of you, and Daniel would wrap his left arm in tin foil, which obviously reminded you of Bucky

You had yet to see what Lola would do, but you were hopeful that you would have a little mini-me, as both Bucky and Clint had one, even though Clint literally had 3 of them already

Because of Elliott's obsession with Clint, your family and his all got along together, and Morgan also quickly became friends with all of the other kids, including Peter

Anyways, today was Father's Day, and your kids were determined to give their broken father a good day, just like every other year


You were awoken by pressure being put rapidly on your arm, so you opened your eyes quickly, and looked down, only to see your little girl stood there, smiling at you

You furrowed your eyebrows and propped yourself up on your arm as you rubbed your eyes "What's wrong, sweetheart?" You whispered as to not wake the super soldier next to you

"Danny. Elly" she tried loudly, making you panic that something had happened to your children, making you sit bolt upright and glance at the time - 5 am

You put your finger over your lips and whispered "Don't wake Daddy up" as you swung your legs over the edge of the bed

When you stood up, your daughter reached out for your hand, so you picked her up and whispered "Where are they?"

Bucky Barnes One Shots - EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now