56. His Breakup Pt. 2

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Another one where Bucky gets screamed at by his girlfriend... Why do I do this :')

Don't worry, it's a different woman lmao - she's called Niamh, but spelled in a different way cos she's a bitch, so it's Neev because she's stupid

Sorry if that's how you spell your own name omg I'm so sorry

Word Count: 2155

After what happened the last time, you'd think that Bucky would've given up trying to find that special someone, but a few years later, he managed to attract someone else

He also got a replacement frame and photo that his previous girlfriend threw at him and shattered

It was the same photo of you and him, but the frame just didn't feel right, as you had gotten him the first one as a gift

His first girlfriend obviously hated this, and hated you

She hated that he spent time with you and thought that he was cheating in her with you, because she wanted all of Bucky's time to be wasted on her

Sadly, it came to a point where it was, and she separated the two of you

As luck would have it, his second partner was exactly the fuckin same

He didn't realise this though, he tried to forget about what that other woman did to him and how she treated him

Now, you loved Bucky -in more ways than one- but you couldn't help but feel that he managed to get with literally the most toxic people in the entire world

But you were so different - you weren't selfish, you weren't toxic, you didn't demand that he does stuff for you, you were basically the exact opposite of his girlfriends and as time went on, you thought more and more that you didn't have a chance with him because of this

Anyway, this new woman's name is Neev and she is the most obnoxious person you've ever met

From the moment he met her, Bucky wanted to drop her, but unfortunately, he doesn't know how to say "No"

So, he's been stuck with Neev for about a year now and it's just more of the same - more yelling, more attacks on him, more peace-free days for Bucky

Throughout every one of these days with her, he started thinking about you a lot more and eventually started to compare her to you

Every time he looked at her, he wondered what the hell he was doing, leaving you alone and treating Neev like she deserves love

Even though he told you about her, he never said that she practically abuses him and that he doesn't know how to stand up to her because he didn't want to hurt her- he's too much of a gentleman to do so, but one day, he finally decided that enough as enough and was finally going to say how he really feels to this woman


Bucky quickly texted the other members of the team (apart from you) not to go into the living room of the Avengers tower - this could get messy quickly

With that, Bucky watched whoever was in the room quickly leave as they knew what he was about to do, but they quickly all ran up to the room Tony was in to watch the live footage of the room Bucky was in so they could see and hear what was going on

"Neev?" Bucky said confidently, hoping that this wouldn't go how it did last time

"What, James?" she said like she was about to go mad

Bucky Barnes One Shots - EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now