4. It's All Real

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If you've ever read a Bucky book, you'll know that EVERYONE writes ones about nightmares- you're probably sick of em, but here's another one :)

Idk Russian, so the bits in Russian aren't correct- they probably say something else but like idk how to speak it so

Also, Google translate is a bitch

Published: 28th November 2020

Edited: 8th January 2023

Word count: 815 - sorry it's so short this time

He thrashed aggressively against his mattress, shaking violently with screams being ripped from his throat

Bucky's arms wrapped tightly around his own broken body as he curled into a small ball, sobbing and still screaming

Despite his eyes being clamped shut, all he could see were flashes of his horrific past and all he could hear were 10 words

10 words that he was never able to escape from- no matter how hard he tried, they kept calling him, and he went back to them every damn time


His whimpers and cries began echoing through the halls of the Avengers Tower


You knelt beside him, desperately trying to wake him up, being the only other person in the tower


His metal arm began clutching to the bed sheet he was laying on, almost tearing it


You put your hands on his sweat-covered shoulders and tried to stop him from shaking


His screams were deafening, and you could bearly hear your own shouts of his name


"Bucky!" You yelled "Bucky, wake up!"


All he could hear though were these words and his own screams that were still forcing their way out of his sore throat

"возвращение домой"

You were so scared for him and didn't know what to do, so you just kept shouting his name and shaking his shoulders even more than he already was, pleading for him to wake up


His left hand suddenly stopped gripping the sheet and wrapped around your arm

"Грузовой автомобиль"
(Freight Car)

His thrashing and screaming came to a sudden end, but the shaking grew much more, and his grip on your arm tightened, as he almost broke your wrist

"готов подчиниться"
(Ready to comply/obey)

This time, he didn't hear these words

He spoke them

To you

"B-Bucky?" You were now fearing for your life and his

His hands moved straight up to your neck and his eyes snapped open

He sat up straight and shouted your name loudly

You, however couldn't speak- you were fighting for breath as you tried your hardest to unclasp his fingers from your neck

The messy hair on his head shook as he whipped his head around to you and immediately, he took his hand away

"I... I... I'm, I'm sorry, Y/N, I didn't-"

That was all he could get out before tears started to roll down his face again

You pulled your best friend of 6 years into a hug and he desperately clinged onto you, making sure you're real and he didn't hurt you, but he had to ask in case he did, he wouldn't be able to forgive himself if he did "Did I-"

"You didn't, Buck" you cut him off "Are you okay?" You lied to make him feel better

He shook his head, he needed more time to hold you, and to be held

"Everything's alright, I'm here, Bucky - you're safe now, no one will hurt you here" you whispered as you tried to comfort him

By what he said, the subject of his nightmare was pretty obvious, you just hoped that it was still Bucky that you were speaking to

"How do I know I've escaped the nightmare? Am I still in it? Am I just seeing what I'm hoping to get in my future - who I want to be with, or am I still there, being controlled?" He asked desperately, wanting to know the truth as soon as possible

You were very taken aback, especially by his third comment, but you decided the best way to show him this was real was to properly show him

Before he could even think about asking something else, you broke the hug and put your hand on his cheek, looking into his eyes for the first time that night

You noticed that they were filled with uncertainty and confusion and you felt extremely sorry for him

"Y/N?" he asked

You hummed in response

"Is this real?" he whispered sadly, still maintaining eye contact with you

You smiled and leaned forward to connect your lips to his gently

To your joy, he found himself kissing back

Even though the kiss only lasted for a few seconds, you managed to calm him down and reassure him he was safe

"Its real. Everything around you is here. Us- together, we're here, Bucky. And I'm so glad we are

It's all real"

Bucky Barnes One Shots - EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now