153. Secret

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'"They are not worthy of me. I am not worthy of their peasant-ness. I am better than them. I have a foking metal arm and mental issues"' -_skittles107_

Word Count: 1406

For years, Bucky Barnes had been in love with you, but you were someone he thought he could never get

Because you were Tony Stark's sister

Also because he thought you deserved better than him, but being Tony's sister was the main thing

He killed your parents, and yet he loved you

This was his little secret though, whenever you would be around him, he subtly watched over you, and if Tony was there, he really had to watch out, because if he caught him looking at his sister, he'd throw him to the planet X Æ A-12 (Iykyk)

No one knew about his intense feelings for you- he managed to hide them quite well, but it was
killing him to know that he couldn't tell you because of Tony

There came a day, however, where he had enough- he thought he was about to go insane from how secretly, yet madly in love with you he was

So he told you


He paced back and forward in his bedroom, running his hands through his hair, as he thought about you and tried convincing himself to tell you the truth

A sigh left him as he stopped walking and moved his hands from his hair to his face, as he slapped himself "Come on, James, get over yourself. If you don't tell her today, then you never will. If she rejects you, that's fine, that's life, shit happens. If she likes you back-"

He cut himself off with realization of what he just said, as he started panicking and hugged his arms into himself, looked down and arched his back forwards, as his shoulders raised and his eyes widened "Oh my God, what if she likes me back? Shit, I didn't think about that. Tony's gonna kill me, then Y/N, then himself-"

It was at that precise moment that he heard a knock on his door, which made him jump and deadass almost scream

He steadied himself and straightened his posture before walking over to the door, as he took a deep breath and opened the door, acting like he wasn't just panicking

As soon as he saw your smiling face at his door, the breath he took escaped him quickly, as he went red and said quickly "Hey, Y/N, look at that, whadd'ya know, there ya are- what-" he started, but paused to clear his throat "What are you doing here? Are you okay?"

You nodded and walked under his arm and into his room, as he stood there and bit his lip, thinking quickly about what to say

"Yeah, just wanted to come and say hi to my best friend Bucky" you said happily unaware of Bucky's feelings

Oh yeah, you were his best friend as well, which made it harder for him to tell you

Tony had barely come to terms with the fact that his sister was best friends with the man who killed their parents, and Bucky knew that he would be... Well, in significant pain if Tony found out he loved you

When you saw him close the door slowly, and not turn around, you became quite concerned, so you tapped him on the shoulder and asked "Are you okay?"

Bucky Barnes One Shots - EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now