171. Attacked Pt. 2

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I'm sorry for breaking this into multiple parts lmao

Thanks Skittles, I feel like I'm saying this a lot lmao, but without you, this one literally wouldn't have an ending, as you came up with the idea for it and helped me with the very last part, so thanks babes <33

Also, I started writing this at like 4 am, and I've just finished at almost 6 am, but I can't publish it until later because Wattpad is a hoe and doesn't let me post anything in this book on my phone so ye


The time of me writing this is also why it may not make sense lmao

Word Count: 1580

You sprinted back inside the building, and almost immediately got hit, but you managed to make your way into the kitchen, and there were enough things in there to use as a weapon, so you were fine

But, you were worried about Bucky, as the last time you saw him, he was outside the house, but now, he was nowhere to be seen

You weren't about to call for him, as that would mean more agents would know where you were, so you tried to fight your way through your own house in search of your husband

Eventually, you found out where he was by the sound of his voice ringing out from upstairs

As you crept up the stairs, you heard a deep, intimidating voice shout out "Answer me"

You had never heard Bucky's voice like that before, and it scared the shit out of you

You knew he was being more aggressive and violent than usual when he's fighting because he thought there wasn't anyone around that he cared about getting hurt, so you had to be careful

You had gotten to the top of the stairs, praying no one saw you or came up behind you, as you heard a terrified, yet confident voice reply "We want your wife and son"

Then, there was a pause, as you froze and both of you thought exactly the same thing

'You're not getting them" he laughed confidently "What do you want with them, anyways?" he asked, curiosity lacing his intimidating voice

"I don't know. They said to get someone with traces of your DNA. I don't know what for-" he agent explained, but Bucky cut him off by asking "Why not just take me?"

"We've tried, but we've made you too powerful, as every time we've tried, we've failed" the agent shrugged as you peeked through the door

You saw your husband pinning a now unarmed man against the wall with a knife pressed against his neck and his hands both in Bucky's metal one, as a weapon with the Hydra symbol on it was near your feet

The agent continued to speak "So we thought to go for... Weaker targets this time"

Just as Bucky was about to riot from the guy calling you weak, you noticed a smirk appear on his face as he looked directly at you and continued speaking almost immediately "OOOHHHH, and guess who's here"

When he finished, he started laughing, as the super soldier snapped his head towards the door, and as soon as his eyes fell upon you, he internally panicked and wondered why the fuck you were there when he watched you leave, as his eyes widened and he took a shaky breath

Bucky Barnes One Shots - EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now