52. Help

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Word Count: 1529

You were minding your own business on a very peaceful street, just simply walking and looking at the soft sway of the trees in the gentle breeze

A small, ginger cat slowly approached you and purred loudly as you scratched just behind it's ears and petted it's head before it scurried off in the opposite direction

The sound of birds chirping and and squirrels scuttling filled your ears and made a serene smile appear on your face

It was calm and you didn't have to worry about anything

Unfortunately, it was just then that your phone buzzed and made you jump, as it was louder than you expected it to be

You stopped walking and grabbed your phone from your pocket, seeing that there was a notification - a text from Bucky

It was a bit odd that he didn't call you, but you opened the notification and were left confused upon reading the message

It just simply read "Help"

Turns out you did have something to worry about

Panic now starting to flow through you, but when you tried to call him, it disconnected straight away, so you did what anyone in an emergency would do- you called Captain America

Once you heard his voice at the other end, you spoke frantically, shattering the tranquility of the scene and making the birds and squirrels hide "Steve? Where's Bucky? Is he alright?"

He could hear the panic in your voice and spoke over you, as you were still asking questions "Woah woah woah, Y/N. Calm down, okay? I'm sure he's fine"

"No, Steve, you don't understand. He just texted me the word 'Help' and nothing else" you were desperate for Steve to tell you that Bucky was safe, but he didn't have a clue where he was

"Wait what? When did he send this?" Steve sounded a lot more serious now and was secretly starting to panic himself, not that he would admit that

You started to run in the direction of the large building Steve was in, along with the rest of the Avengers apart from Bucky "Literally like 2 minutes ago, and I'm on my way to you now"

"Okay, just hurry- I'll ask Tony and Bruce if they can locate him, see you soon, Y/N"

"Bye, Steve"

With that, you turned your run into a full on sprint in high hopes of Bucky being alright

You couldn't even think of where he might be, but by the mysterious text, you knew that something bad was happening, and Bucky probably caused it

Then you started to think about what the subtext of the message might be- was it "Help" as in "Help, I've just broken someone's window by throwing a brick at Sam and missing"? Or was it "Help" as in "Help, I'm being kidnapped"?

This was all you thought about when you were zooming home- where was Bucky?

Timeskip brought to you by the TVA

About 20 minutes later, you were stumbling into the elevator, panting heavily to catch your breath as you slowly rose

Once you felt the metal box you were in stop rising, you waited an eternity for the doors to open and when they did, there was a slightly smiling Steve waiting for you

You stepped you and he immediately began talking "Tony just told me that he and Bruce somehow fitted Bucky's arm with a tracking device in case he had another Winter Soldier incident"

Bucky Barnes One Shots - EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now