29. Falling Asleep

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Word Count: 1349

You were sat on the sofa in the living room of the Avengers Compound, reading your favourite book as Thor was in the kitchen with Steve and Natasha was watching TV

Overall, it was quite a calm day for you all, which is odd as Tony normally makes all of you play a game or go somewhere when you have nothing to do

You were grateful for this, though as you never got to spend time with your friends where you weren't focused of killing something, even though only a few of them were near you

A thought passed through your mind as to where a certain, long haired super soldier was though- you hadn't seen him all day, and if you were honest, you kinda missed him a bit

You lowered the book that was in your hands, put a small piece of paper in it so you didn't lose your page, and set it down on the table in front of you

"Hey, Steve?" You called into the kitchen, disturbing Nat's TV show

The golden retriever of a man strolled into the room, holding a glass of water "Yeah?" he replied casually

You turned your head around to look at him "Do you know where Bucky is? I haven't seen him all day, and I want to know if he's alright"

Steve smiled at you knowingly "I don't, but I'm sure he's fine, Y/N"

You sighed and thanked him before turning you head back to look at the colorful TV and thinking about Bucky

He nodded and took a sip of his water before turning back to join Thor again

Steve was the only person you had told about your serious feelings for The Winter Soldier, I mean, how could you not? It's Steve Rogers, he would take your secret to the grave

Oooorrr so you would think...

You weren't aware of this, but he told the last person you wanted to find out, as it could've just been a silly schoolgirl crush that would go away in a week and you didn't want to hurt him

Then again, it might never go away, and you would end up doing more damage to yourself than Bucky, and-

Your thoughts were cut off by a worn-out voice that echoed around the whole room "Hey guys"

Again, you turned your head to see (you guessed it) Bucky looking right at you, making you almost choke on your own saliva

"Hey, Buck. Where have you been?" You said, trying not to scream or die inside

"Oh, I was just in the lab thing with Tony and Bruce. They were just making an adjustment to my arm" he said, as if it was the most normal sentence in the world, whilst trying not to smirk

When he walked over and sat down on your left hand side, you felt your heart start to pump faster and you hoped to God that your face didn't go red

"What're you watching?" he asked, looking at the TV

"I don't know, I can't find the remote" Nat said, shrugging her shoulders "I've been sat here for half an hour contemplating whether or not I should actually get up and look for it"

You laughed a little and shook your head, and out of the corner of your eye, you saw Bucky yawning into the back of his hand

"L-long day?" You cursed yourself for stuttering, as he looked at you with a smile that made you melt

"Yeah, Tony made me stay up all night in order for the adjustment. When I asked him why, all he answered with was, 'Because science'" he answered sleepily and ran a hand through his hair

You laughed, but began blushing at his sleepy voice and messy hair

He smiled at you again, and he knew that he was silently killing you, but he decided to be a little shit and play with you for a little bit more before he told you that you had no reason to be nervous or anxious to how he might react if you told him your feelings

An idea suddenly popped into your head, but as soon as you said it, you regretted it deeply

"Wanna lay your head on me? I make a great pillow" you burst out, patting your thigh

"You sure, doll?" he asked genuinely

All you did was nod and smile at him to show you were fine with it, but inside, you were melting at the name he gave you

"Okay, uhh... Do you wanna like put something over your lap? Cos like, I don't wanna make you uncomfortable and put my head somewhere you don't want it to be if... If you know what I mean" he said, trying to be respectful to you and using his hands to explain

So, you did what he said and grabbed a cushion from the other side of the sofa that Nat was sat on, and placed it so that he could lay his head down

His whole body lied down so that he was on his back, looking up to your face, his legs dangling off the edge of the sofa

A small smile appeared at his lips, making you blush slightly

Once you started to run your hand through his surprisingly soft hair, his eyelids started to get heavy

You smiled again at this and noticed that his right arm was stretched out at his side, (his left one was resting on his chest) and it gave you the idea to start very gently dragging your nails up and down it to make him relax even more and make him more sleepy

Your family used to do this to you to make you go to sleep, and you thought that it would help

To your utter surprise, it worked on him as well, as his head dropped further towards you and his smile left his face with his eyes shut

Even though he was seemingly now asleep, you continued dragging your fingertips up and down his arm, as it made you feel happy that you got to spend this time with him

You leaned down to kiss his the side of his head carefully as you heard a very quiet voice say "I really, really like you, Y/N and I know you feel the same way"

That was the last thing he said before he actually drifted off, and it left you open mouthed with wide eyes

You felt your whole body heat up as you froze in place

Apparently, Bucky hadn't said this as quietly as you thought, as Nat, Steve and Thor were all looking at you with identical smirks across their faces

You came back to reality, and continued your hand movements on him whilst looking at Steve

"Steve, why don't you stop smirking and start running?" You said quietly, trying not to wake the man laying on you

"Because if I do, then I would've circled the world twice before you dared to even move with him on you" he remarked and folded his arms

You felt Bucky curl up into you as you glared at Steve because of his cocky, but true, statement

For a moment, you started to panic, as Bucky moved suddenly, but you realised that it was just his leg falling off the side of the sofa

This made it easier for you to look at his peaceful face and forget completely that there were now three other people in the room

Your hand travelled from his hair to his cheek, where you placed it and rubbed it with your thumb softly as to not wake him up

"Sweet dreams" you whispered quiet enough for the others to hear

A smile once again appeared as he unconsciously made a contented noise

From that point forward, Bucky would always come to you after every mission, as you put his mind at rest with your little actions, and he could fall asleep peacefully in your arms, not having to worry about having nightmares

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