177. A Safe Place

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I have absolutely no idea where this came from lmao, enjoy

Idk what the fuck this is :)

Word Count: 1186

You opened your eyes with a frustrated sigh, as you turned in your covers to look at the time - 3 am

You rolled your eyes and tried to go to sleep the best you could, but it felt like an eternity, and nothing happened

So, you decided to wonder around the tower in your pajamas, and the time meant no one would be up yet

With another sigh, you sat up and swung your legs over the edge of your bed, waited a second for your head rush to go down, and stood up slowly, before groggily trudging out of your room in search for something interesting to do

You explored the tower and discovered new places you had never even seen before, and you had been there for yonks

It was obvious that some people had found some of these places before you, as they had things in that looked recent

For example, you found some art supplies and drawings neatly in a corner of a broom cupboard, and you guessed Steve goes in there sometimes

You also found a cupboard filled with webs, which you immediately assumed and hoped belonged to Peter

There was one though that you thought belonged to Bucky

This was because there were files on every Avenger in it, and you thought he would've needed them to catch up with everything everyone had done while he was with Hydra

There were also old looking boxes, some sealed, some opened, and you saw a battered and little red book discarded behind them, which he had obviously tried to destroy

There were several other things, like random boxes, packaging, and, surprisingly, there were craft materials in there

You wouldn't question him on it though, as he would've known you were in there

You kept looking at stuff for a while, before becoming kinda bored of being a nosey little shit, so you left, and tried to close the door behind you as quietly as possible

It was only when you turned around again to move onto the next place, that you saw the man himself stood directly behind you with a confused look on his face

He scared the shit out of you, and you instantly panicked "Bucky! I-I was just-" you tried, as you waved your arms about

He interrupted you with a quiet "I don't mind" his hands were in his pockets and he shrugged slightly, as his face gained a red tint when he spoke

"Really?" You asked, but you thought of a better question as he nodded in response to your first "Why are you up so early?"

"I don't really sleep much. I find it difficult" he shrugged again, stepping around you to enter his other room

You knew this about him, and you internally cringed at your dumbass question, so as he walked into his little room, you didn't notice that he left the door open for you to join him

"Hey, do you wanna come in or are you just gonna stand there like a lemon?" You heard his voice call from inside, making you jump back to reality, as you hurried inside once again, closing the door behind you

He was stood in front of you with his hands still in his pockets, and you looked around again "What did you find in here?"

You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, before looking back at him and replying "Just some boxes with files in, some older looking boxes, and other, random things"

He nodded and motioned him with his head at the boxes behind him "Did you look behind these?"

They were the older looking ones, and you remembered the book you saw "I only found a tattered red book"

His face went almost white, as he leaned forward slightly "You didn't read it, did you?" he asked almost immediately, surprising you a little bit

When you shook your head no, he sighed and explained what it was, before retrieving it and throwing it quite forcefully to the other side of the room

He then asked you to look for something else behind the boxes, but you had no idea what the fuck he was in about, but you did anyways

You walked over to them and looked at the floor for anything interesting, but there was nothing else back there

"Maybe look on the wall... Directly in front of you" he said with an amused tone

You weren't the best of friends, you were still kinda close, but you were embarrassed when you looked up and were face to face with a door handle

"Where does this door go?" You asked, now stepping back and wondering how the fuck you missed it

"I'll show you" he replied, as he ran his metal hand through his hair and quickly locked the door you both came in through, before moving the boxes in front of the other door, and placing them on the book he threw earlier

He was just about to unlock the other door when he paused to look at you for a second, before lowering his hand back down to his side

He looked around sheepishly, his face going a darker shade of red, making you ask him if he was okay

"Yeah, it's just... " he trailed off, as he cracked his neck nervously and cleared his throat "Can I trust you?"

You stepped towards him and smiled "Of course you can, Bucky" but he didn't look convinced

Bucky bit his lip with uncertainty, so you carefully took hold of his metal hand, and said "If you didn't trust me, you wouldn't have let me in here in the first place, and you definitely wouldn't have shown me this door"

With that, he nodded again, this time with a small smile, as he got the door unlocked and made his way behind you

"After you" he spoke quietly, with his hands in his pockets again

He was a very timid person around you, and you loved that about him

In a tower full of some very... Very open people, Bucky was quiet and kept to himself mist of the time

Of course, this was another story on missions-

Anyways, you stepped forward and placed your hand on the brass door handle "Are you sure?" You asked as you looked behind you

Another nod of his head made you open the door, and you were met with a staircase leading down

You turned your head to look at him, and he had quite a warm smile on his face now "What's down there?"

"Go find out. Don't worry, there isn't anything weird down there" he laughed, trying not to be awkward, as he saw the nervous look on your face

With that, you set off down the stairs with Bucky following close behind you with a warm smile plastered on his face

Don't even ask where this came from so don't even ask lmao

Oh, and there will be a part 2

~Poppy :)

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