21. Happy Birthday, Bucky

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I am fully aware that his birthday is the 10th of March, but this idea came into my head and I do not want to lose it, so here it is lol

This took too long to finish lmao - I started on like 28th January and I've just published it on 25th February at 00:16

Word Count: 1978

The darkness of the dimly illuminated room was filled entirely with Bucky's quiet and soft snores

His lips were slightly parted and his hair was spread out ungracefully on the pillow that his head sank into with an unusually warm metal arm

You were laying next to him, just admiring this man, but also making sure he didn't wake up in fear from a dreadful nightmare, breaking the peacefulness like he usually did

You sighed a little as you saw him smile slightly in his sleep

That was when you realised what day it was

You unfortunately had to avert your attention to your phone on the nightstand behind you to confirm that it was indeed, March 9th- the day before Bucky's birthday

Both you and Steve had planned something for tomorrow, but you had to check with him that he actually knew what to do

As quietly and as slowly as you could, you slipped out of bed to not wake Bucky, and went to find the other super soldier

You wandered down the corridor of the new Avengers Facility and you decided to check the time on your phone - 11:52pm - Steve would probably be still awake

You knocked on the door to your best friend's room quietly and heard a voice on the other side say "Come in, Y/N"

So you did, but you were a hut confused as to how he knew it was you, so you asked him

"Well, if I remember correctly, it's your boyfriend and my best friend's birthday tomorrow, so" he shrugged after he finished speaking

You closed the door behind you and stood face to face with him

"Okay, so - you know how to drive, yes?" You said quickly

He laughed and put his hands on your shoulders "Y/N, I know the plan. I know that to get from here, Manhattan, to our destination in Brooklyn -22.1 miles- takes approximately 52 minutes in a car- I know, Y/N"

You calmed down and trusted Steve - you just wanted everything to be perfect and didn't want the surprise to be ruined

He took his hands off of you and stepped back a bit before he spoke again "Should we take Sam, too?" he folded his arms and looked at you

"I think we should- Clint as well, he's fun too. But how much money do we actually have- I mean, we could ask Tony" you replied, not thinking about what you just said

"Tony hates him, Y/N" Steve said in a matter-of-fact tone and raising his eyebrows

"Oh yeah, well I'll see you tomorrow, I guess. Night, Steve" you said, awkwardly

"Night, Y/N" he replied

Once you closed his door again, you said "Remember the plan, Star-Spangled Man!"

Hearing a laugh from the opposite side, you took off back to Bucky, who you hoped hadn't woken up to find you gone

You got back to a barely awake Bucky, though- his eyelids were heavy and a wave of relief took over him when he saw you, he clearly had just woken up when you left Steve's room

"Where did you go? Are you okay?" he asked immediately with concern lacing his voice

"I'm fine, Buck- just had to use the bathroom, that's all" you replied, trying to sound sincere and convincing

Bucky Barnes One Shots - EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now