166. I'm Sorry

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Sorry for the wait omg

I'm breaking up for Christmas soon, so I'll definitely be writing during the break :)

(or trying to)

Word Count: 1436

All Bucky tried to do was protect you and keep his girlfriend safe, but he couldn't even do that

He loved you without trying, and you were his everything - you did everything together and you were inseparable

So, now that you were gone, Bucky didn't know what to do with himself

All he did was faze out and think about you, all day every day

Every night, he would be kept awake by the memory of the horrific screams you let out of his name, and he would cry and suffer in silence

He couldn't sleep- whenever he tried, he'd be shaken awake by his own strangled sobs

Eventually, he stopped trying to sleep- just stayed awake long enough to black out

He also stopped eating, training, even talking, and everyone noticed this difference, as he started looking much thinner and much, much paler

His hair was always messy and he stopped looking after himself

On the rare occasion he would speak, it would be quiet and broken, so no one really noticed he said anything

This made everything worse, as you would've noticed - you were able to tell when his mood would change, just from the atmosphere around him and his energy

There was one day however, that someone on the team tried to do something that no one else had thought to do

Steve tried to comfort him


Bucky was just sat there on the bed the two of you once shared, looking out of the window into the sky, his mind wandering and distant

His eyes were empty and eyelids heavy, as he didn't even hear a knock on the door behind him

When he didn't answer, Steve poked his head through the door he opened slowly

"Bucky?" he said quietly as to not startle him, but he seemed to ignore him

So, he walked further into the room and shut the door behind him "Bucky" he said, louder this time

When he was ignored again, he folded his arms and furrowed his eyebrows, as he looked at his changed best friend with sympathy and sadness

"Bucky" he tried again, but still no response,and that was when he realised that he was completely still- he was so out of it that he was barely breathing

So, he walked over to him and put his hand on his shoulder, which gained his attention, as he looked down and sighed

"Hey" Steve whispered ad he looked down at him with concern

This finally made Bucky look up at him, and his heart shattered when he saw his face

Not a trace of happiness, love, joy, or even content was to be seen, and Steve just now realised how badly your death was affecting him

No one really stopped to look at or speak to Bucky, mainly because he would get away too quickly, but Steve knew he had to try and help him

Bucky tried to reply, hut all that came out if his mouth was a whisper of "Huh... ", his eyes empty and his voice broken

Bucky Barnes One Shots - EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now