154. Ride

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Okay so, there is a lot of Romanogers in this because they give me life, but also, this is based off of a fanart that I saw that I've been trying to find again for about 7 hours now that I still haven't found lmao kill me



This is a somewhat shorter one :)

Word Count: 1113

You were lucky that you actually got to do this mission with 3 of your best friends- Bucky, Nat and Steve

You did find it quite odd that Fury would send out two couples to do a mission together, but you weren't complaining - you got to always stick by your Bucky, and Nat got to stick by her Steve

For this mission, the 4 of you had to look very formal to fit in, and you did it perfectly, and you all agreed

Now that it was over and you were walking down a street, you took time to notice that you all looked fucking hot

You and Natasha were wearing matching red, flowing dresses, because bestie goals, and both of you were holding heeled shoes that made you almost as tall as the two super soldiers behind you

Nat had her hair down and straight, and you had yours up, but like half of it had come down due to all the fighting and running you did

Steve and Bucky were both wearing suits, but they were no longer neat and sophisticated - they were messy and damn attractive

Both of them had their ties undone, but only Bucky had his still around his neck- Steve managed to lose his during the fight

Bucky had one side of his shirt untucked, and his hands were resting around his belt, whereas Steve's were in his pockets

You could feel Bucky's eyes staring at you from behind, so you turned your head as you were talking to Nat, and saw him wink at you

At this, you smiled and when you turned your head back, you bit your lip, as you knew he was still looking at you

As you swung your shoes backs and forward when walking, Nat looked at you and saw you struggling slightly to stay on your feet, so she smirked and asked "Can you walk?", already knowing the answer

You shook your head, making more of your hair fall loose "Barely"

Her voice turned into a whisper, meaning you could hear Steve and Bucky talking, and you heard the brunette say your name, followed by the phrase "I can't believe she's all mine" and other... Suggestive comments, all of which made you smirk

Natasha whispered "Should I show you what I normally do with Steve?"

You looked at her and pointed your finger at her as you replied "If you're about to scar my eyes with some dirty shit, I swear to God, Nat"

"Oh please, Bucky scarred you with dirty shit long ago. Anyways, just watch" she said quietly, before wearing an innocent smile and turning around, as all 4 of you stopped walking

"Stevie?" she said in a high voice, making you laugh, but as she turned, Steve looked away from her, making you think he was subtly staring at her from behind, like Bucky was to you

Just less obvious

You confirmed this by looking back at Bucky, and he continued to stare right at you because the didn't give a shit

His eyes lingered on where your ass was and after a second, they slowly moved up your body to your face, his bottom lip between his teeth as he checked out his girlfriend

As he was doing this and you watched him, Steve and Nat had a conversation

The blond cleared his throat and said "Nat-"

"Could I get a lift because you love me so much?" she asked, holding her hands behind her back, leaning forward, and tilting her head to the side like a child

He laughed at her, glancing at his best friend and seeing how distracted he was by you, making him laugh more before he spoke "What do I get out of it"

He watched her walk towards him, which gained you and your boyfriend's attention "Well, you don't have to watch your girlfriend suffer anymore, and you get to be between my legs" she answered with a smirk

Bucky then let out a snigger as he continued to look at you "What's new"

"Really, Barnes" Nat looked at him, as she stopped walking, as she stood with her hand on her hip

But, you answered for him, looking now at Steve "Yeah, seriously, you guys are so loud"

As your two best friends went red, you and Bucky laughed, watching how Natasha gave you a death glare

To make it less awkward, she finished walking to Steve and hoisted herself up onto his back, and he supported her by wrapping his arms around her legs, as she wrapped her arms around his neck

As she did this and winked at you, you looked at Bucky, who was again, smirking at you

He knew you wanted the same, but he wanted to mock you because he's a little shit

When you saw his eyes on you again, you smiled sheepishly and blushed slightly

He raised his eyebrows as Steve started to laugh quietly "Do you want a ride too?"

"Yeah, but we're in public" you said, making you all laugh, as you shrugged your shoulders and glanced at Bucky's crotch

As soon as he saw your eyes move there, he started walking towards you

"Don't worry, Doll... " He started, with an amused and joking tone, but as he got closer, he leaned down and whispered into your ear "We can do that too"

Your face went very red, and he kneeled in front of you, confusing you slightly

When you furrowed your eyebrows and tilted your head to the side, he asked with a laugh "Do you want a ride or not?"

With that, your face lit up and you ran around him and jumped on his back, making him stand up and secure you like Steve did with Natasha

Because he's just better than Steve, he took your shoes from you and held them from the strap at the back so you could hold on to him

Then, he turned to Steve with you on his back, and gave him a look that he understood immediately

With that, a grin spread across their faces, as Bucky bolted off in the opposite direction with Steve hot on his tail, leaving a trail of yours and Natasha's screams as they raced back to the tower

Bucky Barnes One Shots - EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now