122. Where's Y/N?- DW

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I'm publishing this as I'm walking to school, so this bit isn't entirely true, but it will be at the end of today :))

Exams are finished, high school is finished, this fic is finished- you're welcome

Thanks for putting up with me and my annoying announcements - I'm fully back now lmao

Yeah, another Doctor Who one I stole from myself again

Also, I got some new Discord buddies - you know who you are

Word Count: 3676 :))

As you opened the doors of the new Avengers Compound to the outside world, you shouted behind your shoulder to the man who you thought was sat on a chair at the table behind you "I won't be long, I'll be home soon"

Before you could leave, however, you felt a figure wrap their strong arms around your waist

I dropped my phone when I was writing this and when I picked it back up it said "strong arms around your pp" and I laughed so fucking hard omg I'm such a dumbass, 16 year old child

It was, of course Bucky Barnes, so you turned around and leaned in to kiss his cheek, but being the cheeky bastard he is, he moved his head so that you kissed him on the lips, and he obviously kissed back

"Watch it, Terminator" you smiled, poking his chest

"Watch it, awesome Avenger girl that I'm in love with" he laughed back, mimicking you

You then felt one of his hands crawl into your jacket pocket, clutching something, but he just looked back up at you, and simply said "Tony created these for our safety - it's some sort of weird technology that no one else understands"

"What does it do?" You asked, wanting to take it out of your pocket to get a good look at it

"I think he said it hacks into cameras and turns into a knife and some other weird shit. He's made one for all of us, some of us have to share, though- just giving you ours, Doll" he said, kissing your forehead

"Thanks, Bucky" you replied, smiling at his gesture

He was about to let you go, but he quickly added "Oh, and just be careful. With the thing and with yourself"

You nodded, grateful at his concern for you- the world right now is a dangerous place

He then finally let go of you so you were free to go, but didn't know that he was smiling at you still, even when you closed the doors behind you

This left the Doctor on his own in the compound- everyone else was off doing their own thing, and he had nothing to do

Or, at least, he that's what he thought

As he turned around, he saw a figure and almost shit himself out of fear

"'Ello, mate" the figure said with quite a cheery tone, but Bucky was too scared to notice it

Before he could do anything, or even respond, he felt a sharp pain on the back of his head and neck, and suddenly, everything went dark as his limp body collapsed to the floor


As he awoke again, Bucky found himself strapped to a throne-like chair, exposing his neck and making it easy for someone to strangle him if they wanted

Bucky Barnes One Shots - EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now