69. Thunderstorms

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I've decided to give you this one before 100k because I love you all so much

Also, if Crossover Pt. 2 moves down below this one, idk why it's doing that, so please ignore it and imagine it's before this lmao- it keeps moving itself


Being his girlfriend during a thunderstorm (thanks, Thor) would include:

- Being already snuggled up on the sofa in his arms, almost falling asleep before it started

- Getting scared by the first lightning strike, so Bucky holds you closer, even though you felt him jump, too

- The sound of the rain being so calming, but the crack of the thunder is so loud, it keeps you awake to hear more of it, as you were almost asleep earlier

- When a particularly loud wave of thunder passed, you would shiver and try to snuggle deeper into Bucky's chest, but he would just laugh softly and kiss either your forehead or the top of your head

- Not being able to understand why you were so cold when it happened one time, but you were wrapped up in like 3 blankets and Bucky didn't stop calling you "My cute little burrito"

- Even though you did have 3 blankets wrapped around you, you could feel that his metal arm was wrapped around your waist and his real hand was on the back of your head, stroking it softly and easing you back into sleepiness as he whispered reassuring things to you

- Another time, you got so scared that the tower was going to collapse after looking out of the large windows of the living room, that Bucky just stood up from his seat, calmly waked over to you, lifted your chin up with his finger so that you were looking at him, kissed you gently and held you close, making you relax instantly

- Both of you making never ending Thor jokes

- Not knowing just how much Bucky cared about you - he secretly wished that there could be a thunderstorm every night, just so he can cuddle you and make you feel safe in his arms, although, he would come to regret this wish some nights (read on for why lmao)

- Sometimes, Bucky would personally ask Thor if he could start one because of this (he said yes 50% of the time)

- Every time you would come to him for comfort during a thunderstorm, he would always help you with no hesitation

- During a particularly nasty one, Bucky found out it was actually a hurricane, but he didn't tell you because you would be even more scared

- During the hurricane, he could've sworn he felt the tower move, so he buried his face in your shoulder as he was holding you, so you didn't see that he was actually more scared than you were at the time - he was absolutely terrified

- Seeing him get scared awake after he fell asleep when having you wrapped up in his arms, and watching him go red because you were watching him

- Of course, Bucky wasn't always the one who had to be brave for the other during a thunderstorm, as he had nightmares that were deeply affected by them

- Having to calm him down after the loud crashes of thunder and the bright sparks of lightning triggered memories of what Hydra did to him

- Once, a lightning bolt hit so close to the window that it made you scream a little bit and made you cling onto Bucky's shirt like your life depended on it

- He knew how scared you could get, so he always did his best to make you feel like it was just the two of you there by reassuring you that the pair of you were going to be okay and that he loved you

- But, you always did the same for him when he was scared of the loud noises

- He once got so scared that you found him trembling in a dark corner of his room, curled up with his back against the cold wall and with tears running down his face, repeating your name over and over again to come and help him, making you want to kill anyone who has ever hurt him

- Eventually though, the two of you would finally fall asleep in each other's arms on the sofa in the living room as it was the warmest room in the tower, and none the other Avengers would dare to wake either of you, as they never knew which one was scared the night before and would be on edge the next morning

- Not leaving each other's arms before kissing one another and saying that you both loved the other

Bucky Barnes One Shots - EDITINGΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα