78. I'll Help You

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I literally have no idea where this came from but here you go lmao

Word Count: 1649

As you hugged your knees closer to your chest, you let out a sigh and looked around for the sixth time that night

What had you done to deserve this? For 3 years now, you had been living in this dark and dingy alleyway all by yourself, because your family had thrown you out and abandoned you forever

You shifted a bit to try and get comfortable on the cold, hard floor as you shivered a bit

There was nothing above you, so you could see the sky when you looked up, but it also meant that if it rained, hailed, or snowed, you were going to get wet

It was a just your luck that it did start raining, so you tried to pull your tattered jacket further around you to keep yourself warm and dry, but it didn't help at all

Your tangled and knotted hair was dripping onto your back, making it even wetter than before

You couldn't remember how many colds you had caught, but you hoped to God that you didn't catch one again, although it was highly likely you were

It was hard living there, but at least you had a way of making a little bit of money

All you had to do was go around asking people if they fancied a shag

Yes, you were a prostitute living on the streets

You hadn't managed to get that much money over 3 years, either, as most people say that they don't have any money straight after you did your job, making life even more difficult for you

When people walked past your little alleyway, they chose to ignore you, even though they saw you struggling to simply keep warm

People were disgusted by you and preferred if you weren't there at all- "an eyesore" they called you

There would be the odd person who would give you their unwanted food or a bit of change, but no one would really help you

You accepted that, and always waited for nightfall so that you could rest your head for maybe an hour or two before being woken up by a child crying or the sound of a dog barking

Anyways, you were now sat in the pouring rain with no where to go, no one to love you, and you did even bother to look up when you saw someone walk past you

You were confused when you saw this person's feet stop just as they walked past the alleyway, then they started to walk backwards to you

"Are you okay?" You heard him say, but because no one has spoken to you in so long, you didn't quite know how to react, so you looked up and saw the man's face

He had bright blue eyes, long brown hair, a short stubble, and a concerned look on his friendly face

He was quite tall and never took his left hand out of his jacket pocked

You were starstruck by him, and he was so gorgeous that you temporarily forgot how to speak, causing you to stare awkwardly at him

He looked back at you and you watched him crouch down next to you, still not taking his left arm out of his pocket "Ma'am?" he spoke softly

"Huh? What?" You said, his voice snapping you out of your trance, making the concern in his face and voice grow

"Are you okay?" he repeated, noticing the condition you were in

You chuckled to yourself as you looked at the wall in front of you "Look, pal. You may as well walk away now and move onto the next girl. I haven't got the strength to satisfy a big guy like you right now" you assumed he was bothering you for what everyone else did- you were a prostitute, this was your job

Bucky Barnes One Shots - EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now