66. Hospital Pt. 3

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My battery percentage as well 💀


^^ (Not anymore lmao)

Word Count: 1003

As you slept with your head on Bucky's leg, you dreamt about him

Not that you didn't always already, but because of the situation he was in, his presence in your mind was more prominent than ever

Because of this, you woke up a few hours later, but when you discovered it was now 11 am, you panicked a bit

Bucky could've already woken up and seen you there, but you missed it because he knows how much you like sleep and if he woke you up, you would stab him

Luckily though, he didn't, and you didn't have anything to worry about

Well, one less thing to worry about

You didn't know if it was from how tired you were, how nervous and shaky you were, or your overwhelming need for him to wake up, but you swore you heard the heart monitor beep louder and his heart rate got faster

When you looked over at it, it had definitely changed in speed, or were you just imagining things?

You yawned and looked around to see if anyone had been to visit in the night, and to your utter surprise, there was a folded note from someone who surprised you even more

It said it was to Bucky, but you picked it up off his stomach and read it - it wasn't like Bucky was going to read it at that moment

You made sure you could see properly so you could actually y'know, read the fucking note before you opened it and smiled

It read:

Hey, Buck. I know it might be a while before you read this, but I just wanna say that even though we've had our moments where we don't get along, I hope you get through this. You're my friend/enemy- my frenemy. Anyways, Steve and Bruce told us that you were in good hands, Y/N's gonna look after you like she is now, so I'd recommend that you show her the amount of love that she shows you literally every day. Okay, buddy? I really do hope you wake up soon and we're all looking forward to you returning home to us. Even me and Tony.

- Sam (Birdman)

This was literally like the nicest thing that Sam's ever said to him, and you laughed at how he signed it off- Bucky always called him this and it looked like it annoyed the fuck out of him, but apparently not

As you were smiling and laughing at the note, you felt something move in your hand

You obviously knew that the note couldn't move by itself, so your whole face lit up when you realised that it was Bucky's metal hand that moved

This made you put the note on a table next to Bucky, and your full attention was averted to his face

Although the sight of him scared you, the hope you felt was now filling you up as you looked at him

You squeezed his hand, hoping to feel him move again, but your smile was starting to fade when he didn't for around 5 minutes and you dropped your head to look at his hand

Just as you were about to let go, you felt and saw his hand squeeze yours tightly, making it shake a bit

Your head moved to his face so quickly that you thought you had whiplash, you didn't care though, as your eyes met open, light blue ones

Tears rapidly fell from your face as you stood up and held your head above his so he could see you better

The smile you had on your face was reserved only for Bucky, and thud being the first thing that he sees made him really happy

He tried this best to smile back at you, but it was weak and restricted by the tubes

"Bucky, oh my God" was all you could get out before you started really crying

You felt his real hand on your face, wiping away your tears and shaking a lot, still while smiling weakly at you

That was when you decided to get someone in the hospital to help him

You left his side just for a second, as you shouted for the doctor that showed you to his room

Once you heard her footsteps coming towards you, you returned to Bucky and held his hand again

But, your heart broke at the new sight of him- he was still pale and veiny, but now he looked even worse

There were tears flowing out of his eyes and down his cheekbones, onto his pillow, and once he saw you again, he whimpered at you for help - he was scared and didn't know where he was

He obviously didn't realise that he was in a hospital, so he started to panic that he couldn't breathe, making him inhale deeply, only resulting in him choking on the tube down his throat

Luckily, the doctor came in at that exact moment and knew exactly what to do, but because I don't, I don't know what to put here, so let's have a time skip :)

Around 30 minutes had passed before you were allowed back in the room again- she made you leave so that they could deal with Bucky

She walked out of the door and smiled at you, telling you that you could go in and see him again now

You shook her hand and thanked her before walking back in and looking at Bucky again

You smiled when you saw him, earning a proper smile back as a response

He still looked how he did previously, but he was sat upright, where he could see you when speaking

His eyes were contrasting his whole appearance - they were the only bit of him that looked somewhat healthy and in relatively good condition

They filled you with great happiness and hope when he looked at you before he spoke

"Hey, doll"

Bucky Barnes One Shots - EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now