1. A Little Girl Told Me To

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Let's say that Tony forgave Bucky

Aaaaaaaaaand the Avengers compound never got fucking destroyed :)

I really like this

Published: 24th November 2020

Edited: 8th January 2023

Word count: 1757

Pepper walked down the steps to her home, one hand holding her beautiful daughter's hand, the other around a green wreath

It was filled with flowers, but in the very middle, it had Tony Stark's very first Arc Reactor out of the glass case that she gave him as a gift

Morgan and Pepper, followed by Happy and Rhodey all walked towards the end of the wooden dock, nodding and smiling sadly at all the other heroes that were showing their respect to the genius, billionaire, playboy philanthropist

Steve was behind them and behind him were Peter Parker, Aunt May and Thor. Bruce had his injured arm in a sling behind them and was stood with Doctor Strange and Wong

In a small group stood Scott and Hope with her parents, Dr. Hank Pym and Janet Van Dyne

A little bit behind them were the Guardians of The Galaxy, sadly without Gamora, as she didn't know who anyone was apart from Nebula, who was present

In two other groups were T'Challa with Shuri and Okoye, and Clint with his family, who he finally got to see again, and you saw how he held all of them close to him, as he feared losing them again

And then behind them was you, with Wanda on your right, Bucky on your left and Sam to his left

Then came a young boy by the name of Harley Keener- he was with Tony when he found himself without working armor in Rose Hill, Tennessee and helped him get home

Two other people were behind him, they were Thaddeus Ross and Maria Hill, but they stood seperate

On the steps that the first four came down stood Captain Marvel, or Carol Danvers

Finally, on the wooden porch stood the one and only Nicholas Joseph Fury Sr.

You saw the blonde woman at the front crouch down and gently place the wreath in the water you were all stood in front of and her daughter softly gave it a push, so that it drifted off slowly and it let the world know that Tony Stark had a heart

You sniffled a bit, but felt a strong, metal arm wrap around your own

Immediately, you knew it was Bucky trying to comfort you, but you decided not to say anything and to just pay your respects to your fallen friend

He felt a bit tense, however - this made you look over to him and see Sam on the other side of him place his hand on his shoulder, both of them looking down, this being one of the only times they've been nice to each other

You turned your head back and watched the wreath float peacefully in the river- you felt another hand, but on your opposite shoulder and your eyes met Wanda's

She gave you a small smile and as people were starting to speak, she nodded towards the brunette next to you, who looked very guilty and distressed "He needs you, Y/N" she whispered

You nodded at her and watched her walk away to Clint and his family

Sam must've said something similar to Bucky, as he left at almost the same time towards Steve

The pair of you finally turned your whole bodies to that they faced each other, but he kept his hands in his jacket pockets

"You okay, Buck?" you asked, your voice gravelly with emotion

Bucky Barnes One Shots - EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now