The Costume - Travis Konecny [Halloween Edition]

Start from the beginning

"Hey, I'm sorry Y/N" he responded sadly.

"Tonight's about having fun, so we're gonna have fun" I smiled getting in my car.

"Yes we will. Do you uh, do you maybe think I can take you to the party then?" He asked slowly.

"Philippe Myers, are you asking to take me to the Halloween party tonight?" I giggled.

"I guess I am as a friend, is that ok?"

I was silent for a few seconds. Tonight was about having fun, and I always had fun with Philippe.

"Yeah, I guess that's ok but come early and help set up" I giggled.

"I'll meet you there" he chuckled.

After a quick trip to the store and about thirty minutes of setting up, Philippe and I had managed to make everything look pretty awesome.

"Teamwork" I laughed as I gave him a high five. "Now I'm going to go change fast"

I ran to change into the best Marty McFly I could piece together last minute as people started filing in.

"Aren't you adorable" Philippe smiled when I came back.

"Thank you" I giggled pulling him into a hug.

"I thought you said you changed your costume last minute?" He asked confused.

"I did, why?" I asked picking at the candy on the table.

I looked up to him pointing in the distance past me. Sure enough there he was, Travis...dressed as Doc Brown. I took a deep breath and turned back to Philippe.

"I guess we just think alike" I shrugged "oh and before I forget" I held up the handcuffs I had bought for him.

"You're the best" he took them with a smile.

Most of the party went by with me trying to avoid Travis, which worked since it seemed like he was doing his best to avoid me.

When there were very few people left I decided to start cleaning up. I was gathering the garbage from the main table into a garbage bag when I felt someone stand next to me.

"Nice costume" I heard Travis' voice as he grabbed a drink.

"Same" I didn't know what else to say. I didn't even think we were on speaking terms.

"So, you with Myers now or what?" He flat out asked.

"No, he asked me as a friend. Not like it should matter to you" I started to walk away.

"Y/N, come on" he made me stop and turn back to him.

"Come on what?" He took a deep breath but didn't speak. "That's what I thought" I turned leaving.

At the end of the party there were only a few of us left. Surprisingly Travis stayed to help clean up and make sure everything was the way it was when we arrived.

I was cleaning what I was sure was an old jail cell when Travis walked in.

"Need any help?" He asked seriously.

"Not the kind that you can offer" I joked although he was exactly the help I needed.

"And that means?" He asked questioningly as I heard metal locking.

I quickly looked up and realized the door to the old cell was shut.

"Please tell me that didn't lock" I looked at Travis.

"That didn't lock"

"You didn't even try to open it" I crossed my arms.

"I know but that's what you wanted me to do" he shrugged.

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