Whatever You Say - Jake Virtanen

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"Hey!" I said happily opening the door to more of our friends

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"Hey!" I said happily opening the door to more of our friends.

It was game night. We rarely ever got to have them but when we did we loved them, they were always so much fun.

"Looks like we got everyone" Jake said snaking an arm around my waist.

"Everyone, food is in the kitchen help yourself. We'll set up the first game" I smiled as people filed into the kitchen to get food.

"Looks great babe" Jake kissed my temple as I finished setting up the game and some small snacks on the table.

"Thanks honey" I smiled as a knock came at the door. "I'll get it go grab some food" I gave Jake a quick kiss before walking to the door. "Kevin?!" I yelled after opening the door.

I had tried to get my friend Kevin to come to game night every single time we had it. He had never shown up so his presence both shocked and excited me. We met at work, we hadn't been friends for long but we were fast friends and became close instantly. He was funny, charming, sweet and so not interested in females.

"I can't believe you're here!" I engulfed him in a hug.

"I finally can make one I've been trying to forever" he laughed rubbing my back.

"Come in! We're just about to start our first game. Go ahead and grab some food I'll deal you a hand" I instructed.

"I got you some food" Jake handed out a plate when he returned from the kitchen.

"Thanks sweetheart" I smiled.

"Friend of yours?" He motioned to the kitchen where Kevin has just disappeared.

"Yeah! That's Kevin from work, you'll love him" I reassured. He gave another look in the same direction before seeming to let it go.

Our first game was cards against humanity which was going well. I was sandwiched between Jake and Kevin as the game went on. I would notice Jake shoot Kevin cautious looks every so often and I had no idea what was going on with him.

"Stop looking at my cards!" I joked to Kevin pulling my cards more towards Jake.

"You're so paranoid, sweetheart" Kevin laughed nudging my arm.

Jake instantly tensed and got a look of displeasure. I looked at him as if to ask what's wrong but was only met with a smile. I shrugged it off.

"I'm going to get a little more food, want anything?" Kevin asked.

"No thanks" I smiled politely as Jake placed a hand on my thigh.

"Anyone else?" Kevin asked the table.

"You ok?" I turned to Jake.

"Yeah" he smiled at me and squeezed my thigh. I could tell it was a forced smile.

Before I could say anything else to him the group made me aware it was my turn. I read the card and everyone quickly played.

"You're the last one" our friend Sarah said to Kevin holding up his hand of cards.

He quickly played and it didn't take long for me to pick a winner.

"That's mine!" He called taking the card out of my hand. "That's my girl" he laughed patting my head.

I laughed shaking my head at how childish the situation was. I felt jakes hand leave my thigh and wrap around my waist guiding me into his lap.

"Babe, what's going on?" I asked concerned.

"Nothing, I just wanted my girl with me" he smiled at me. I notice how he put extra emphasis on the words 'my girl'.

That's when it hit me, he didn't see the whole situation in front of him. He was actually jealous of Kevin. I fought the urge to laugh, it was adorable.

As the night went on I noticed Jake getting more affectionate and almost irritated with the whole situation. Kevin was that friend that wasn't afraid to be affectionate, he was being affectionate with all the females in the group but of course Jake only cared about him being affectionate with me.

As everyone was leaving I walked them to the door. Some just waved, some gave hugs. When Kevin went to leave before he could finish the movement of reaching out for a hug, I felt Jake's arms wrap around my middle from behind and a kiss being planted on my cheek.

I laughed a little to myself before turning to Kevin.

"I'll see you at work" I smiled waving goodbye as I closed the door. "Alright, what's up?" I turned to face Jake.

"Nothing" he smiled.

"Don't lie, you've been weird all night" I laughed.

"That guy was making moves on you, Y/N" he started but stopped when I started laughing harder.

"He definitely was not" I managed to get out through my laughter.

"You were really oblivious to that?" He shook his head in disbelief.

"Baby, he definitely wasn't making moves and he definitely isn't interested in me...or any girl for that matter" I explained pulling him closer to me.

"What?" He finally laughed seeing the humor in it all.

"You're so cute when you're jealous" I smiled pecking his lips.

"I wasn't jealous" he rolled his eyes at me.

"Whatever you say" I giggled.

"So I get jealous sometimes, I can't help it my girlfriend is the most beautiful girl in the world" he laughed placing his hands on either side of my face.

"Whatever you say" I giggled again while my heart was doing flips in my chest. "You have nothing to worry about babe, I'm all yours."

"Good, you're all I want" he smiled.

"Kiss me already you handsome weirdo" I laughed.

"Whatever you say" he chuckled bringing my lips to his.

Requested by: @kristenjolly

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