With Everything I Have - Matthew Tkachuk

Start from the beginning

"Hello" Matt's hand waved in front of my face pulling me from my thoughts.

"What? I'm sorry" I looked at everyone staring at me.

"Will you be staying here tonight, will we need extra patrol?" An officer asked me seriously.

"Umm, yeah I guess" I started.

"No, she's going to come with me." Matt started aiming his conversation to the officer then looking at me. "You shouldn't be alone after tonight especially in the same place it happened" he reasoned.

"Fine, you're right. I'll be going to my friends house" I told the officer. You didn't have to ask me twice to spend time with Matt.

Once back at Matt's place I set my bag down that I had packed before we left and threw myself on the couch.

"I'm sorry" I said softly towards Matt.

"For what?" He let out a soft laugh.

"For waking you up, for throwing you into all this"

"I would have been mad if you didn't" he comforted taking a seat next to me.

"Thank you for everything" I said looking down. It was hard enough to look at him in that moment with the feelings I had burning inside of me.

"Hey" he whispered placing a finger under my chin to lift my face to his. He reached up and kissed my forehead slowly before pressing his forehead to mine. "I would do anything for you"

His words made me close my eyes and smile yet ache at the same time. I always craved this closeness but dreaded when it happened at the same time because I knew I couldn't do anything about the way I felt.

His sudden sharp intake and exhale of air brought my eyes open to look at him.

"What's wrong?" I pulled away from him slightly, making sure to keep the distance between us minimal.

"Nothing really just..." he took a deep breath, the pain on his face evident "I was so worried tonight" he took one of my hands in both of his.

"I was lucky a knight in shining armor swooped in and saved the day" I smiled.

"I am not a knight in shining armor darling" he slightly laughed.

"You're my knight in shining armor, always have been" my words finally brought a smile to his face. A smile that I would do anything to see.

"I could kiss you right now" he mumbled taking me by surprise.

"What?" I asked breathlessly.

He ran his thumbs over my hand that was still in his and looked down at our intertwined hands. "You haven't realized I'm in love with you yet have you?" He finally forced out.

"What?" I was breathless again. My heart started beating faster and I could feel the heat rising to my face.

"I've loved you for a long time, Y/N. I had to lock that down deep inside me, I didn't want to lose you. Having you as a friend was better than not having you at all but I can't do it anymore. Anything could have happened tonight, I needed you to know" he looked at me with big eyes.

"What?" Was all I could manage to get out, breathless yet again. Every dream I've ever had was coming true and I didn't know how to handle it. My brain shut down as if it didn't think what was happening was real.

"Y/N, can you say something other than what? Please?" Matt pleaded with an amused yet terrified look.

My brain couldn't form words so my body took over. I placed a hand behind his neck and pulled him towards me bringing his lips to mine. He was tense at first until I felt him relax and smile against my lips. I pulled away and looked into his eyes.

"You said it better than I did" he laughed.

"I'm sorry, I had so much to say when I thought this wasn't a possibility but my brain shut off hearing you felt the same way about me as I feel about you" I paused trying to form the right words to say next. "I love you Matt, with everything I have, I love you"

The smile grew on his face as he pulled me to him for another sweet kiss.

"I've waited too long to hear you say those words" he placed a small kiss on the tip of my nose.

"I've waited far too long to say them out loud believe me" I laughed.

"I have a serious question for you" he asked squeezing my hand a little tighter.

"Yeah...?" I asked, feeling my nerves rise again.

"Be my girlfriend? Like actually be with me, all in" I swallowed hard with a smile making its way into my lips. "I'm talking eventually moving in together, getting married, having adorable babies, everything. Be with me?" he asked in between kisses then looked at me with pleading eyes.

"Took you long enough to ask, Tkachuk" I joked nudging his leg.

"Is that a yes? That's a yes" he laughed placing a hand on either side of my face and pulling me into a rough happy kiss.

"I love you" I smiled pressing a kiss to his cheek just as I've always wanted to.

"I love you, with everything I have" he smiled tucking a piece of hair behind my ear and laying his hand on my cheek.

"With everything I have" I smiled leaning my face into his palm. He had my whole heart, he always had.

Requested by: @alexandra_diamond

I'm sorry this is so long! I tried to make everything that was requested, I hope you like it!

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