Q and A response

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1. How did you get into the trap house fandom?
Okay so this is a long story hahah. So as everyone knows I was a jake Paul fan... Ew! My cousin told me about Sam and Colby and like I wasn't interested at first so I just said no. Later that week I was watching videos about suicide forest and came across TFIL and from then on I just kept watching them!

2. How old are you?
I'm 14!

3. Do you have a boyfriend?
Sadly no, been single my whole life! Haha

4. What's your home town?

5. Have you ever met them?
Sadly no! But I'm planning to meet them if they go on tour!

6. What is your goal in life?
Okay so not to get all deep, but I want to meet the love of my life and grow old with him and have a family an do the job that I love!

7. How do you get inspiration?
So it kinda just pops into my head. I've grew up writing so I guess I'm a creative person! I also watch a lot of horror and romantic shows and movies so that also gives me inspo!

8. What do you like to draw?
I love to draw characters from movies! Especially IT I've drawn him before! I've drawn this cartoon of TFIL. I also love to draw nature!

9. Potato?
Potatoes are amazing! PERIOD!

10. Whats the hardest thing you've been through?
This one is very deep but the hardest thing I've been through was, in 7th grade I lost a lot of my best friend practically everyone I knew disappeared from my life. This was when I hit rock bottom and I fell into this bottomless pit of sadness. I was by myself majority of 7th and I was bullied by the friends I thought I had. But I met Sam and Colby and you knowww they made me happy! But yeah kinda went deep there!

11. Who are your favorite artist? (Music)
Okay so I love cardi B, black bear, and for my emotional music Anson Seabra. LISTEN TO THEM THEY HAVE AMAZING MUSIC!

12. How long have you been watching Sam and Colby?
Funny thing tho past Monday marked two years! So two years and 2 days!

13. Since you dance, what's your favorite type of dance?
Okay so I love to dance to hip hop it really gets me in the mood and it's so much fun!

Thank you everyone who asked questions! I love doing these there so much fun to do! I love you all! Tell me some stuff about you guys I would love to get to know you all! 💞

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