I'm pregnant

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I woke up to Colby to getting up off of me. "Good morning princess." He said raspy. "Morning baby." I said back. Colby got up and went into the kitchen. As I got up I had a sudden urge to throw up. I sprinted to the toilet an began throwing up. Colby ran in sitting next to me rubbing my back. "You okay babe?" He asked. "Y-yeah I think I got a little stomach bug." I said. I brushed my teeth then walked to the kitchen and sat on the counter. Colby walked into my legs. "You look cute." He said kissing my lips. "And you look hot." I said kissing his lips. "I have to go to Jakes to film and I'll be back later today." He said frowning. "Awe okay when do you leave?" I asked. "In an hour." He said placing his hands on my thighs. "Okay." I said hopping off the counter. I went on my phone then got a notification saying I was three weeks late on my period. I realized that I threw up this morning but I didn't want to jump to conclusions. "Okay babe I'm going to go I'll be back soon I love you!" He said running in kissing me. "Love you too don't get arrested again!" I said laughing. "Wasn't planning on it!" He said running out. I heard the door close. I got up and called Xpher. "Hey girly girl!" She said. "Hi can you do something for me?" I asked extending the "e". "If it's hiding a body I'm down!" She said laughing. I started laughing. "No can you buy me..." I drifted off. "Buy you what Y/n?" She said. "Pregnancy test." I said quickly. "Oh my god! Of course!" She said. "Thank you so much I'll pay you back!" I said. "No you don't have too if it's getting a niece or nephew that'll pay me back from anything!" She said. "Awe thank you!" I said. She hanged up and I put on Colby's shirt and a pair of shorts. I waited on the couch till Xpher came. About Fithteen minutes later she walked in. "Okay so I got the test that says pregnant or not pregnant and the plus or negative one." She said placing them next to me. "Thank you, I'm so scared." I said grabbing the pregnancy test. "It's okay I for sure know Colby would want you to keep it. He's always saying he wants a family with you and he wants to get married." She said placing her hand on my knee. I smiled and stood up. "I want you to see it first before me." I said walking into the bathroom. "Okay that's fine." She said. I sat on the toilet and opened the box. I used the one that says pregnant or not pregnant. After I finished doing the test I placed it on the counter face down and set my timer for five minutes. I walked out of the bathroom pacing around the apartment. "Girl calm down you'll be fine." Xpher said laughing. "I'm just scared if I am pregnant everyone is going to think of me as a h*e or a sl*t I'm just scared. And I don't even know if Colby wants this child with me." I said with my head in my hands." One if anyone in our friend group thinks that they'll automatically get hands thrown at. Two Colby has been saying a lot recently that he wants to start a family with you and how much he's ready to propose. You and Colby are both 22 yes your still young but your both financially stable you have a home. You both do YouTube and are getting money. You guys are ready for this. It'll take time but you'll be the best parents." She said walking to me hugging me." This is why your my best friend." I said laughing. My timer went off. I looked at her and she started smiling." I want to look first." I said. She nodded and I walked into the bathroom closing the door." Whatever it says it's okay I'm okay, Colby will still love me if it's positive. I'm going to be okay everything will be okay." I kept repeating that over and over again in my head. I took a deep breath in and closed my eyes turning it over. When I opened my eyes and looked at the test."Pregnant." I said in disbelief. Tears fell down my face. I was happy but scared. I grabbed the rest and slowly opened the door. Xpher was recording and smiling."So? " She asked." I'm going to be a mommy! " I said crying. Xpher ran up to me still recording screaming and crying. We were crying together of course happy tears."I'm going to be an aunt! " She screamed. After awhile of crying and screaming it was time to tell Colby. "Okay text me or call me what he says." She said walking towards the door. "Okay I will." I said smiling. She left right as I finished my sentence. I grabbed my phone and called Colby. "Hey baby!" Colby said happily. "Hey babe, can you come home? If you can you don't have too if your busy." I said fiddling with the test that layed in my hand. "Yeah I'll be home in a few minutes is everything okay? Are you hurt?" He asked panicking. "No no I'm fine I just need to tell you something in person." I said closing my eyes praying this will go okay."Okay well I'll be home soon I love you babe." He said." I love you too." I replied back. I ended the call then sprinted towards the bathroom to make it look like I wasn't just crying. After I finished I sat on the couch watching TV to try and calm down. I heard the door open and saw Colby smiling."Hi babe." I said getting up slipping the test in my back pocket. "Hi princess." He replied hugging me. "Can you go sit on the couch please!" I said smiling. "Of course." He answered sitting on the couch. I sat next to him but he ended up pulling me onto his lap so that I straddled him. "Okay so before I say anything I'll love you forever and always you mean everything to me and I'm not going to force you into anything." I said getting scared. "Okay? I love you too princess you know that right? You mean so much to me and your scaring me. Are you breaking up with me?" He asked kinda pushing me away. "No no no, I promise." I said grabbing his hands placing a kiss on both. "Okay so what are you talking about?" He asked. "Colby I'm pregnant." I said quickly. "Wait what." He said smiling. "I'm pregnant." I said a little slower. I grabbed the test and handed it to him. "Oh my god! I'm going to be a dad! Your going to be a mom! We are going to have a baby! We are going to be parents!" He yelled crying. "Awe baby don't cry." I said wiping his tears away. He pulled me into his chest hugging me." Baby, we are going to be parents." He said still crying." I know babe." I said hugging him again."Your not going to leave me right? " I asked."No baby never." He said holding my hands."I hope it looks like me!" He so picking me up running into our bedroom."I hope it doesn't have the same mind set of you! I swear I don't want to be baling my child and boyfriend out of jail." I said laughing."Oh trust me I bet that's going to be happen." He said smirking. I started laughing. I rolled over and kissed him on the lips." I love you." I said laying my head on his chest."I love you more." He replied. I smiled then drifted off to sleep.
8 1/2 months later-
Me and Colby had a baby girl and we named her Y/d/n. She looked exactly like Colby but with my hair color. Colby proposed on our gender reveal and we are getting married next year. We couldn't be any happier. Xpher has been by my side every step of the way. I couldn't be happier to officially say "We are the Brock family." I said looking at Colby. He kissed me then we turned the camera off.
A/n- Okay admit it that ending was so cute! Like awee! Anyways! Update on the best friend thing I haven't talked to her I'm going to distance myself from her. I've talked to my parents my mom wants me to talk to her but honestly I don't think it's going to work my dad said distance yourself and that's what I'm going to do. I honestly think it's for the best we take a break from each other. All of my best friends have been so supportive you guys have been so sportive and mean everything to me. Tomorrow my friends said there buying me lunch even though I told them not too. I couldn't ask for a better fan base and best friends. Thank you for everyone who has been sending advice it means everything to me!  I love you all so much! 💗

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