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I woke up to the sound of Kat and Devyn jumping on the bed. "Um a girl need her beauty sleep" I said laughing. "Not when your getting married in 7 hours!!" Kat and Devyn yelled. I rolled out of bed and stumbled into the bathroom. "So what should we start off with first" I said. "You just sit, we got this in control." Devyn said.
   After about 5 hours of getting ready. I heard a gasp, I turned around and saw my mom in her rose colored dress. "Sweetie. Oh my god! You look stunning!" My mom said while crying. "Thank you mommy you look beautiful." I said back. I looked in the mirror and was amazed of how I looked. The way my hair was curled and half of it pinned back, my makeup that made my face look stunning. My dress. The way it wraps around my waist flowing over my feet making me look like a princess. The beautiful white color. My shoes. The way it sparkles in the light. Everything on me made me speechless. "You really did amazing guys. This. This is amazing!" I said. "Why thank you!" Devyn and Kat said causing us all to laugh.
  It was time, my dad stood at the door waiting for me. I looked in the mirror one last time. I can't believe it me and Colby are going to be married within 15 minutes. I walked up to my father. He looked at me speechless. "Honey you look beautiful." He said. " Thank you dad!" I said. I was ready. He gave the thumbs up. The doors slowly opened. Everyone was standing all speechless. I saw Colby. God. His black suit with a white tie. His blue hair nicely done. He looked amazing. We started walking the music matching with our footsteps. We were only a few steps away from Colby. Once we got to him. My father kissed my cheek. I grabbed Colby's hand he was already crying. I was trying my best not to cry.
   It was now time for our vows. I went first. "I never officially wrote my vows down. I wanted to speak from my heart from how I feel right now. Cole Robert Brock when I first met you God were you the one for me. I knew internally you were the one, something always told me don't lose him, keep him close." I had a take a second cause I was about to start crying. Colby squeezed my hands. "When I first told my friends about you they all doubted me, they all hated how we were together. But I never gave up on us. From our first fight to now I always loved you, never did I doubt us being together. The night you proposed was the night my dream came true. When you pulled me onto the beach the moon shinning on us as if we were in a movie. When you asked me to be yours forever, that was my dream. To be with you Colby. I love you so much and I can't wait to spend my life with you." I said I was crying so much so was Colby. It was now Colby's turn and I already knew I was going to be balling my eyes out. " Y/n Y/l/n where do I start. You are beautiful, smart, kind, funny, sometimes stupid and clumsy. " Everyone started laughing." Even with all your flaws I still love you. I love every bit of you from the top of your head to the very end of your toes to your personality. Nothing will ever change that because baby I love you. " He crumpled up the paper and stuffed it into his pocket." I don't need a paper that has been reviewed over and over again cause that seems so planned, I want to tell you everything from my heart. God your such an amazing person your so helpful and kind and I love you so darn much. You've helped me with everything. You were the one who saved me. As cheesy as it sounds you are my super hero. I want you to remember this forever and ever. Nothing will ever spilt us apart from the little fights to big ones to not spending much time together to always spending time together being to clingy to not being it at all nothing will split us apart cause I love you to much to ever do that. I love you baby girl forever and always." He finished. I was balling my eyes out, so was the crowd.
     After the ceremony it was now time for speechless. First up was Kat. "So I'm not good at speeches never was an never will be. But when it comes to Y/n I can take about her forever. I remember how we first eve met like it was yesterday. How Colby introduced us and we instantly became best friends. Remember that one night were all the boys were out and we got super drunk and we both fell off the couch. That will forever be my favorite memory of us. I love you guys so much, you guys will always be my favorite power couple. Sorry Sam! But Colby if you hurt her I will kill you. Anyways congrats guys!" She said laughing. Then Colby leaned over. "Trust me I will never hurt you." He said smiling. I gave him a quick kiss. Then it was Sam's turn. "Brother! God I thought you would forever be single and be that one person with a bunch of cats. Never in a million years did I think you would get married before me. But I for sure knew you would marry Y/n. You would just non stop talk about her and that's when I knew yep she's the one. But promise me that even our girlfriend and wife won't ever spilt our friendship up. " Colby nodded." Congrats my brother and to you Y/n my best friend! " He said smiling. I was crying. And there was one more speech I didn't know was going to happen. My cousin. I knew I was doomed for this speech." Well well Y/n! I'm going to embarrass you so much in this speech but remember that I love you so much. I remember the first day Y/n told me about Colby. I always knew that name rang a bell in my head and about months of me trying to figure it out I knew why. When I was 20 and Y/n was 21 she always talked about this YouTuber named Colby Brock. Now when I say talked I mean TALKED." I slammed my head into the table. Colby was rubbing my back I knew he was enjoying this." She would non stop talk about him. Then the day when she told me she was dating you again I was like why does that name sound so familiar. And that's when I knew her dream came true. But congrats guys!" She said. Everyone was laughing even Colby. I looked up and saw everyone laughing buy it soon dialed down. I looked at Colby." So you always had a thing for me huh? " He said." Shut up your hot how am I supposed to react. " I confessed." Your hot too don't worry. " He said laughing. The night was filled with funny speeches to embarrassing one to the heart warming ones. Many laughters and fun. Today was the best day ever I was able to marry my best friend and soulmate.
A/n- God that made me cry so bit. Hope everyone is having an amazing day! Hope everyone had an amazing day yesterday. I'll see you guys maybe tomorrow, not sure. But yeah! Byeeee! 💕

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