Death( Very Sad)

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A/n- If you are a very emotional person or don't like reading very sad things I don't recommend reading this. Thanks!
Recently my sister, Hannah, she past away. She was my twin. We did everything together, we were inseparable. She passed away two months ago to suicide. She never told me but she was hurting a lot. I should have expected something when she would lock herself in her room everyday. The only person who has been helping is Colby, he's my best friend. We did everything together too.
I haven't been to school in two months I've been taking online classes. Colby has been helping me do courses and everything. He was a lot of help for me and my family. My parents have been trying to give me medications to help me. I took it once and I felt numb in my body I felt nothing, I felt like a piece of trash on the road. I've been throwing the pills out when I was given them. I've been sent to therapist left and right, medication left and right, everything in my life was falling apart.
   It was a not so normal night, Colby was over helping me with a couple classes. "Do you get it?" He asked. "No, I don't, I'm sorry." I said, I felt stupid and idiotic. "Hey, it's okay you've been through a lot. If you need a break then let's take a break?" He said. I nodded agreeing with him. I got up walking into Hannah's room. I looked at all of the pictures she has hanging on her wall, her bed made perfectly with the note she left for us. I grabbed the note, I started to read it again.
Dear Y/n,
I know your wondering why I did it. I did it because I was never normal, no one understood that, not even mom or dad. While you wanted to dance, I wanted to write, while you wanted to party, I wanted to read. No one understood that, I was called a freak for wanting to do those things. You were normal I wasn't. I want you to remember this, I did what I did for you. I didn't want them coming to you and harrasing you. I also want you to get with Colby to try to be something together I know he is going to help you a lot since I'll be gone. He also seems like a cool guy! And take it from me with your looks and his, trust me you'll have cute babies! But for now I love you an I'll see you soon! Goodbye sis!
Love, Hannah
I let a few tears fall, she was my world, my rock, my everything. Losing her was like losing myself, it was losing myself. I heard a little knock on the door. I looked up and saw Colby with a little smile. "Hey" He said softly. "H-hi" I said chocking with tears. He came up to me hugging me. "I need her, I can't live without her. She means everything to me! And I lost her!" I said crying. "I know babes. It's going to be okay!" He said. "No it's not! Everyone has been saying that! I've haven't gotten better I've gotten worst everyone is lying to me!" I went silent with muffled sobs. "I want to die Colby." I said. Colby looked at me with a very concerned look. " Hey! Don't say that! I know losing someone sucks and it hurts but don't risk your own life for it! Okay?" He said. "Colby you should go." I said. "I'm not leaving! Not after what you said!" He said mad. "Well it's not my fault that I'm broken! Okay? I'm a broken piece of shit!" I yelled. "No your not! I love you okay? I love you so much more than a friend love! I can't lose you not today not tomorrow not ever! I need you! Your the reason I'm surviving your my everything! I love you Y/n!" He said crying. I'm now completely sobbing." Colbs... I love you too. " I said crying. I fell to the floor. He bent down, bringing me into his chest as we help each other. I needed him and he needed me.
A/n- I had a few tears falling down while writing this. I never lost a sibling but I did lose a very close grandmother to me when I was 4 she really meant everything to me even though I barely knew her. I was always told stories of how much she loved me, I really do miss her but she's the reason I'm smiling everyday the reason I want to pursue my dreams! 💕

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