Goodbye my love

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Today was supposed to be the perfect day. Go on a date with my the love of my life Colby. Go watch the sunset while eating ice cream. Go on our annual drive around the city. Go home and cuddle while watching multiple scary movies. Never did I think I would be watching the love of my life slowly die in front of me.
     Me and Colby were on our annual car drive when he decided we should take a different route instead of the normal one. We ended up on a curvy dirt road to the right of you nothing but complete darkness and a ditch. "Baby we should turn around." I said grabbing his arm. "It's okay babe I see light over there, could be a little gas station we can ask for directions back." He said looking at the bright light. What we didn't know then was that it was an 80,000 thousand pound semi truck ready to run us off the road. The closer it got the closer we could have stopped and turned. Moments before it smacked into us was the moment I knew I was about to lose everything I loved. Everything went in slow motion. The glass from the windows flew across the car as Colby grabbed my hand. I felt the wind blows my hair all over. Once the car hit ground I blacked out I felt no pain when we hit.
     I woke up to the sounds of beeps and quite sobs. I looked over to see my mom sitting there with her head in her hands. "M-mom? Where's Colby?" I asked. "Oh sweetie! He's in another room he's okay." She said rushing to my side. That was a lie, Colby was hooked into many machines,  he was on life support. I wasn't in really bad condition. I had a few bad scrapes and had to get stitches on my hand. Right as I was discharged I immediately went to Colby's room. Trust me seeing someone you love ever so greatly hooked up to life support and seeing cords inside him, is the most heart breaking thing ever. I sat next to him, I grabbed his hand and looked at all the bruises that was on his face, arms, and legs. Tears were falling from my face as I watched his chest very lightly go up and down. I looked at the wedding ring that sparkled in the lighting. I heard a little knock and the doctor come in. I quickly wiped my face. "Hello, I just wanted to check up on him." The doctor said while walking over to him. I watched him take wires out then put them back in. "Are you his-" I cut him off. "Wife." I said quietly. The doctor nodded then asked me to leave the room. I didn't know what was happening but all I saw was multiple doctors go in. "Mom." I said before I fell in her arms bawling my eyes out. "What if I lose him! What if I lose the only love I had!" I said while sobbing. About an hour later Sam came in. I ran up to him, he engulfed me into a hug. "I'm so sorry it took so long the traffic was horrible." He said rubbing my back. "Is he okay?" He asked with a shaky breath. My lips quivered then more tears fell. "I don't know. No one is telling me anything!" I said crying. "Shh it's okay." Sam said crying with me. Another painful hour of me staring at a blank wall and crying the doctor came out and pulled me to the side. "So this is a very serious and painful questions to ask. This is completely up to you and the family and friends. Colby is in really bad condition there's a very slim chance of him surviving. It's either we keep him on life support or we pull the plug." The doctor said. I fell to the floor sobbing Sam rushed over. The doctor explained to him what was happening. Sam was crying then pulled me into a hug. "What do we do?" I said crying. "I don't know, he's is in pain I say we call his parents." Sam said helping me up. After a very long phone call his parent, me, and Sam we  decided we should pull the cord."We will p-pull the cord but can we say our goodbyes? " I asked. The doctor nodded then I walked into the room. I saw his almost lifeless body. I sat down and brought his hand into mine."Colbs, I love you so very much I'm doing this for you. I know your in pain and I want to relieve that pain from you. Baby I will always remember our favorite days. I will always be thinking about you. And I never got the chance to tell you but I'm pregnant. " I said sobbing." I found out a few weeks ago. But baby promise me that you will never stop being you. I love you baby forever and always." I said kissing his hand. I felt a little squeeze which made my expression completely fall."Baby? " I said. He did a little squeeze." I love you so much never forget that I'll take care of this baby with all of my strength and power." I said crying then kissing his hand once more. He did one last squeeze. I let go of his hand then Sam went in and said his goodbyes. I walked back in when Sam walked out crying. The doctor walked to the life support then took it out. I grabbed his hand he squeezed it until he took his very last breath. "You lived an amazing life baby boy. You made me so proud thank you for blessing me with you and now our unborn child." I said kissing his hand then slowly letting it go. I walked out and saw Sam bawling his eyes out. I walked next to him and sat next to him crying. "I'm so sorry Samuel." I said hugging him. "It's not your fault." He said crying.
5 Months Later-

   Today was the day I dreaded the most. Today was Colby's funeral. I had to do a speech that I had no idea what I was going to say. The last five months was constant crying and sadness. The doctors told me not to stress but I had no strength to push it away. The baby has been fine and safe.
     All of Colby's best friends and family went. It was my turn to do a speech. When I walked up to the stand I saw my beautiful blue boy laying in the coffin all dressed up. I let a small smile then went to the stand. I let a shaky breath out then looked at the audience. "I'll be honest I don't have a whole speech wrote out. This boy changed my life for the better than the worst. God was he a silly goofy guy." I let a chuckle out then tears fell. "We will all miss him so so much. But I'm glad that we still have a piece of him left." I said rubbing my stomach. "Colby reminded me of a superhero, handsome, strong, kind, sweet, saved people. His fans meant so much to him so so much to him. He would spend hours on end helping then telling them how much he loved them. There was one time he went live and one of his fans was going through something and after the live they went on face time and he helped her. He was such a helper and kind person. I can't believe he's gone my little colbear is gone." I said crying."I will definitely continue his way of living to our baby. And no one knows this but the gender is a boy and I'm naming him Noah Cole Brock. " I said smiling then crying. I walked off the platform then sat down. I watched them burry him for no one ever to see again.
6 Years later-
"Hey everyone welcome back to my channel this is going to be a very sad video if this isn't something you don't want to see then skip this." I said smiling. I then saw my miniature Colby run in. He layed in the bed then slowly drifted to sleep. "This is about my husband Colby Brock. Many knew him as a hero, night in shining armor. For me? My little kola. This is dedicated to him and an explanation of what happened. Enjoy the next few minutes of my favorite memories of him." I said smiling. I turned the camera off then broke down. I looked at the picture of me and Colby and smiled at them.
   "Love is a bond, that death cannot past, gone       from my arms, but still held in my heart.".

A/n- Wow. That was one of the hardest things I ever wrote. I never realized how much of a wreck I would be if we did lose him. All I have to say is I'm sorry if you look like a crying mess too. 😭💕

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