Tutor part 2

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When you got to the field you only saw Colby. You were nervous and scared but you continued walking.
Colby- Oh hey! Are you coming with us?
Y/n- H-Hey yeah I'm going...
Colby- Great I'm Colby your in like all my classes!
Y/n- I'm Y/n yeah I've seen you.
Colby- Oh and sorry about Shea we aren't dating she just thinks we are, I think she's on crack or something.
Y/n- Hahaha it's okay!
Colby- You seem like a chill girl! Here let me see your phone!
Y/n- Alright
Colby- Pass code?
Y/n- (your pass code)
Colby- Alright here's my number.
You guys talked for what seemed like an hour but no one showed up.
Colby- Damn the group isn't going anymore! Do you still wanna go?
Y/n- I- uh, I don't have money I was planning on leaving early.
Colby- It's okay I'll pay for you.
Y/n- Okay I'll pay you back tomorrow.
Colby- No need to! My parents are rich so 10 bucks won't do harm.
Y/n- Just let me pay you back I'll feel bad if I didn't!
Colby- Your stubborn I like it, fine you can pay me back!
You and colby were half way to the frozen yogurt shop and Colby started acting weird. He kept grunting and would hold his stomach.
Y/n- Colby? Are you okay?
Colby- Yeah I'm f-
He started throwing up. You ran to his side rubbing his back. As he finished up a tear left his eyes.
Y/n- Colby are you okay?
You say as you wiped the tear away.
Colby- No I've been stressed and now it's getting to me.
Y/n- Come here colbs.
He sat between your legs his head resting on your shoulder as he watched the cars pass by. Colby grabbed your hand and started playing with your fingers.
Colby- Thank you...
Y/n- For?
Colby- Not leaving me here by myself.
Y/n-Dont say thank you it's the least I can do, I was treated like garbage in my last school no one would care about me. I was always the doormat for everyone. I was always helped people but people never helped me.
Colby- You have me, I'll help you.
You smiled and heard your phone go off, Colby got up and looked at you as you grabbed your phone.
Y/n- Hello?
Y/n- I'm out with a friend! He needs me to...
You were Intruppted by Colby grabbing the phone.
Colby- Hi this is Colby, I wasn't feeling well and she was helping me out since my parents aren't home. Do you mind if she stays the night at my home for the night?
Mom- Uh sure.
Colby hanged up.
Y/n- Um care to explain?
Colby- I want to get to know you more, don't worry I have like 50 different rooms for you to stay in.
Y/n- Okay what about clothes?
Colby- Borrow mine!
Y/n- Okay lets go then I'm tired.
Colby smiled and led the way.
Time skips-
You were in Colby's hoodie and sweat pants you were doing math homework and started to get frustrated.
Y/n- What the hell even is this! UGH!
Colby- Hey are you okay?
Y/n- Doing great!
Colby- What you doing?
Y/n- Doing the stupid math homework!
Colby- Need help?
Y/n- Please!
You guys spent the last hour doing the work. Colby was such a great helper. He even made you some notes.
Colby- What if I became your tutor?
Y/n- I'm down!
Colby- Okay let's do everyday after school from 3:00-4:00?
Y/n- Yeah that's fine!
Colby- Okay well I'm going to bed, good night!
Y/n- Goodnight!
Colby left and you felt lonely. You walked to the bed and stared at the ceiling for what seemed like hours till you fell asleep. Then you had a bad dream... You sprunged up screaming. Colby ran in. You were in tears crying you were terrified and sad.
Colby- Hey, hey it's okay!
He picked you up and placed you on his lap he was hugging you and you cried into his chest.
Colby- Ssh, you want to tell me what happened.
Y/n- T-they took you... The people in black they took you away.... W-when you got outside... They s-shot you... Then c-came for me.
Colby- Hey sshh it's okay I'm here! I'm safe your safe. Okay?
Y/n- Mhm..
Colby- Would you like some water?
Y/n- Y-yes
Colby left to get water and came back with a glass of water.
Colby- Here you go.
Y/n- T-thank you.
Colby- Your welcome.
You took a sip and put your head in your hands. You let out a sigh. Then you felt so pair of muscular arms pick you up and it was Colby. He was walking to his room. He placed you on the bed and you sat there.
Y/n- Why did you bring me in here?
Colby- Cause if you have a bad dream I want to be there right after you have it so I can help you.
Y/n- Okay, can I have a blanket I'll sleep on the couch.
Colby- No sleep on the bed.
Y/n- No it's okay!
Colby- Y/n, sleep on the bed.... Please.
Y/n- Fine.
Colby layed in the bed and you layed into the bed. You heard colby start snoring and you just layed there. You were tired but you were to scared to go back to sleep. You started to toss and turn till Colby pulled you in and held you close.
Y/n- Colbs?
Colby- Hmm?
Y/n- I'm sorry I woke you up, twice.
Colby- It's not your fault.
Y/n- Yes it is!
You turned to face him. You now are crying.
Y/n- I'm just stupid! Im seriously crying right now! And now I'm messing up your sleep schedule and it sucks and I'm sorry! And I should just leave.
Colby- No! You aren't any of those words! You are beautiful sweet kind! You are an amazing girl... and I love you.
Y/n- I love you too.
Colby- No I mean I LOVE you like more than a friend,
Y/n- I know and I love you too!
Colby- Y/n will you be my girl friend?
Y/n- Yes!
Colby leaned in and passionately kissed you. You kissed back, and smiled. You and Colby fell asleep in each other's arms.

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