Really? (Prt2)

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It's been a few weeks since I found out I was pregnant with Colby's child. Sam was over and I was just slumped on the couch staring out the window. "You have to tell him." Sam said placing his hand on my knee. "Like he would care, he's to busy with Callie!" I said annoyed. "Actually they broke up after you left him." Sam said. "Oh.. I'll call him tonight." I said getting up motioning Sam to leave. "Please talk to him about this." Sam said grabbing my hands. "Samuel, I'm going to call him tonight." I said letting go of his hand. He nodded then left closing the door behind him. I walked back over to the couch grabbing the pregnancy test then looking at my stomach. "Girl or boy I love you forever and always." I said rubbing it softly. I look at my phone and bit my lip in a nervous way. I took a deep breath in then grabbed it. I scrolled to Colby's contact and opened it. My thumb shaking I pressed the call button. "Hello?" Colby said. "Come to my apartment." I said then ending the call. I sat on the counter in the kitchen by the door. I waited about Fithteen minutes till Colby came in. "Hey." I said. "Hi." He said back. "I'm didn't call you to rekindle our relationship. It's something more serious but you need to sit down for me to tell you this. " I said motioning him towards the couch. He smile then nodded then walked to the couch. I slid the test into my back pocket then walked in front of him."I have no idea if you want to be apart of this. But that's for you to choose. The night I broke up with you well a few weeks after I took a pregnancy test." I said taking a minute to breath."It came out positive. " I said grabbing the test and tossing it towards Colby."Wow okay. That's a lot of information to take in. Is it mine? " He asked." Yes its yours!" I yelled."I wasn't going behind your back cheating on you with some skank for five months. " I mumbled quietly." Look I'm sorry, I don't know why I cheated when your perfect. " He said placing the test down."Are you keeping it? " He asked."Why are you asking so many dumb questions! Of course I'm keeping it! " I said narrowing my eyes at him." I just want to know do you want to be apart of its life or not? " I asked." Yes I want to be apart of its life." He said." Okay that's all I asked for. " I said."Can we at least talk about us? " He asked. I sighed then looked at him." I told you when you walk in your not here to rekindle the relationship YOU messed up." I said emphasizing the you."I know but I'm really sorry. " He said standing up walking towards the door. Something told me to not let him threw the door."Wait. " I said. He turned around and walked towards me."This isn't me asking you on a date or to date me again. This is me offering to at least let me gain my trust back for you. " I said biting my top lip." Yes. " He said grabbing my hands. I nodded and smiled.
5 months later
Today is the gender reveal. Kat set the whole thing up. Me and Colby are back together and I fully gain my trust back for him. "You ready baby girl?" Colby asked rubbing my stomach. "Yeah I'm nervous." I said turning around.
     It was now time for the reveal. "I'm so nervous!" I said grabbing Colby's hands. "Don't be princess don't want to stress the baby." He said then kissing my lips. "Okay so all your going to do is pull the string and pink or blue balloons will fly out!" Kat said. We both nodded. I looked at the box then at Colby. "We are about to find out if we're having a boy or girl. I'm not ready!" I said laughing. Everyone started counting down from ten. "5, 4, 3, 2, 1!" Everyone yelled. We pulled the string and pink balloons flew out. "It's a girl!" Everyone screamed. I looked at Colby with watery eyes. "We're having a girl baby!" I said hugging him. "I get to have two beautiful girls!" He said kissing my lips. After everyone calmed down Kat disappeared. Then everyone started screaming. I turned around and so did Colby. "Surprise your having twins!" Kat screamed. My mouth dropped, I looked at Colby and he was crying. He started smiling. "Oh my god!" He said hugging me. We walked to the box. We pulled the strings and pink balloons flew out. Again everyone screamed and jumped and I was full on sobbing. "I can believe were having two girls!" I said sobbing. "Me too baby!" He said crying. We were both crying while kissing each other.
   After the long day of celebration and crying it came to an end. I was laying down in bed watching TV when Colby came in and layed next to me. He pulled my shirt up and placed soft kisses all over my stomach. He grabbed his camera an turned it on. "I don't know when you'll see this. But today we found out we were having both of you. I can't wait to meet you two beautiful girls. I hope you look just like your mommy. I love you princesses so much and I'm so thankful to have you and your mama!" He said turning the camera off. "I guess you've been upgraded to queen." He said smiling. "I like that. Your my king." I said laughing. "I'm glad to be your kind my highness." He said pulling my shirt off. "I'm lucky to have you." I said playing with his hair. "And I'm lucky to have you my queen." He said kissing my lips before we peacefully fell into a deep sleep.
A/n- That was so cute. Anyways lerv you all! 💗

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