Chapter 141 Treat you better

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Anna's POV

Who can treat me better?

Thats been the question that has been nagging at me for the past three days. To be honest if I am just reflecting on how they both treat me in person, then Shawn would 100% win. But I feel that this is not only about being treated better with care, but how they treat my heart. I mean come on, Shawn broke my heart a thousand times, but I kept coming back to him. I kept a posibilty of our love througout my mind for years, constantly bugging me from time to time.

I pace around my house, I am getting so nervous and anxious just even thinking about this. I hate that they have this power over me. I hate that I am still thinking about them. I just plain hate them.

I know that's a lie but you dont know how much I wish it was true. I'm stuck on them like honey stuck on your lips.

"Anna" Cassie shouts waving her hand infront of my face.

"Huh what?" I say, snapping out of my trance.

"Finally, now I'm late to school! Let's go" Cassie drags me up and pulls me to the car.

I hop in turn on the car and start driving, Paradise by Camila Cabello comes on and I laugh, remebering what it was like to meet her for the first time.

I have actually talked to her in the past few months and she apoligized for the way she behaved, her and I don't really keep in touch now as much as I would like, but we send the ocasional happy birthday and how are you text.

Once we finally reach the school I pull over into a parking spot, today I have to go pick up a note from the princibal for cassie. She's being honored for her grades, I guess getting all A's does have its perks.

I step out of the car and slam the door as I see Cassie spacing out and giggling.

"Whatcha giggling about over there Cassie?"

She looks at me embarassed as she says, "Oh, I was just thinking about that one time when Shawn stayed for the week and you guys dropped me off and started yelling I love you, I was so embarassed but everyone found it so cool I was hanging out with Shawn Mendes, and that he loved me"

I laugh, remebering the look on Cassie's face, "Yeah that was a good day."

I am walking with her in the hallways until she turns to me and says,"The princibals office is that way Anna." She says, pointing in the opposite direction I was waking currently.

"Oh right" I say blushing, I try to hide my blush by itching the side of my cheek. "God look at the young woman you have become" I say, holding onto her sholders as she stares at me.

"Well your the only reason I am" She says, making my heart warm.

"It looks like you dont need me to help guide you, I mean look at me. I am lost and your the one guideing me." I take a moment to realize something, "Actually it's been like that for a while now."

I hear the second bell ring as Cassie looks at me and pulls me in for a hug as she whispers, "Bye Anna"

I was suprised by her hug yet delighted as I pulled her closer, "Bye Cassie"

I watch her walk away into the crowded hall, and at that moment I had realized. I wasn't saying goodbye to her for the day, but saying goodbye to her childhood. She is almost an adult now, and doesn't need me.

I tear up as I think about it, all the happy memories, the hair braiding to soccer matches. I know I will still be in my life, but she wont need the bandaids or the prep talks anymore.

I walk to the princibals office and have a nice chat with her, we talked about many things. Mostly Cassie related though.

"Well it was great to meet you" The princibal says, holding out her hand for me to shake.

I shake her hand as I respond, "The pleasure was all mine."


I am sitting in the car, as I just put on my seatbelt the radio starts blasting one of Charlie's songs, the irony.

When you try your best but you don't succeed
When you get what you want but not what you need
When you feel so tired but you can't sleep
Stuck in reverse

When the tears come streaming down your face
'Cause you lose something you can't replace
When you love someone but it goes to waste
What could it be worse?

Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you

Now you could take it as a sign or maybe just as fate, but as soon as I heard that voice inside my head I knew where I was, who would be holding my hand 20 years from now. Who my kids would look up to. Who would stare at me with such lust and compassion on our wedding day.

I started the car and drove straight to his house, I could almost feel his kiss on my lips, his hands holding my waist. His eyes staring at me with care.

I quickly parked in the driveway as I ran up the stairs through the hallway and knocked on the door.

A tall framed musuclar figure answered the door, he looked at me comfused yet excited.


The End (For real)

AN: Does anyone want an epilogue? Also oh my goodness. I just want to say thank you so much for all of your support and wonderful comments, and to every single person who voted I love you, also I love those who even just read the story. To know that you even took time out of your day to do that warms my heart. I loved writing this and I will make others! Thank you so much!!!! (Also I'm pretty sure this is the longest chapter I have ever written Lol)

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