Chapter 85 Healing

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Anna's POV
It has been about a week and a half since Shawn left me alone in that room and I still and speechless at him. I trusted him, and even though we weren't on the greatest terms I still expected him to be there for me. It's not like he hasn't tried to contact me though.

From Shawn;
Hey I'm sorry, just call me with update.

Hi so not sure if your mad or not I'm so sorry I didn't mean to leave you please forgive me.

Okay it's been a few days now Anna come on please, I need you.

Each text he sent I ignored, now I know this may sound stalker-ish but I looked up where Shawn was performing tonight. Paris, of course. I turned my phone on silent, not wanting to receive or send any texts to anyone.

The funeral was being planned by my parents, who wouldn't let me even near the planning even if I wanted to. I've been forced now to take therapy sessions to help cope with the trauma of what happened that night.

I quickly go over to my phone and realize I'm 20 minutes late already.

"Shit" I mumble as I quickly grab my phone and my car keys and head out.

The doctors office wasn't that far but it was always stressful when there was traffic. As I headed onto the roads I quickly glanced at my phone to call her to warm that I would be late.

"Hi you've reached the mailbox of 520-453-5647 please leave a message after the beep"

Strange that Dr.Chaftman hadn't set up her mailbox yet, must be a new phone.

"Hey Dr.Chaftman, I'll be a few minutes late to our session, I'm sorry I totally forgot about it!"

I quickly hang up and continue to focus on the road.


After a solid 15 minutes and already now 35 minutes late I burst into her office spewing out an apology.

"I'm so sorry I'm late Dr.Chaftman, I know these are mandatory but at least I left you a message"

She looked at me and moved her glasses to the bridge of her nose.

"It's fine, I never got any massage though"

"Well then who's mailbox did I leave a message in?"

I quickly go to look at my phone but she swipes it for my hand.

"No phones during sessions" she hissed.

Jeez she's almost as bad as my old geometry teacher.

As I sat down next to her she began to tense up as she asked, "do you want to start where we left off?"

"Actually I was wondering If we could talk about something else today"

"What else may I ask Anna"

"Just some relationship stuff"

Dr.Chaftman gave me a sympathetic look as she said "I'm sorry Anna, since these are required sessions were only allowed to talk about Jaime and Jaz"

I tensed up even at the mention of their names, I hated this feeling, as if they were haunting me.

"How much time do we have left" I ask, knowing I only just got there.

She looked at her watch and sighed, "You only have 10 more minutes"

And for those next ten minutes she kept talking about them, wanting me to speak about them. She kept looking for me to have some type of reaction but all I could feel was the numbness from my face.

"And I guess that concludes our session" Dr.Chaftman said, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Well Thank you" I say with a but of sarcasm as I hold out my hand for my phone. She waited a couple seconds before sighing and hanging me my phone.

I quickly walked out to my car. I hated being in her office, it smelled like over used perfume and also made me feel like a was in a mental institute.

As I hopped into my car I checked my phone to see who I left a message to.

Voicemail of Shawn Mendes.

Well of course it's him.

I legit hate my school :(

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