Chapter 118 Christina

351 11 3

Shawn's POV

"Christina...What are you doing here?"

"Enjoying a party with my friends duh."

Thank goodness she still doesn't think were together. She never really did have any friends of her own she always just tagged along with my friends, I think they found it annoying. I found it cute in a twisted way that she just was like a puppet to me.

"Okay then" I respond, eager to walk away.

"Wait" She says her red nails matching her strawberry hair dig into my skin.


"Meet my new boyfriend" She says grabbing the man who was standing next to us. I didn't even realize he was there until she said something.

"Nice to meet you man" I say holding out my hand to shake.

He just stares at me dumbfounded before turning to Christina, "I didn't know you knew Shawn Mendes."

"Oh he was just one of my many ex boyfriend" She says throwing her hand in the air like its no big deal. Hon, even I know I am a big deal.

"Alright well as entertaining as this conversation has been I think I am going to go back now"

"wait" She says again, but this time I don't stop. Honestly she could fuck that man right in my face and I still wouldn't care.


It's been about an hour of socializing with people and I'm exhausted, don't get me wrong I am so happy that they threw me a suprise party, but I haven't been home and I just came from the airport so yeah I am tired.

I looks around to see that almost half of the people have left so I feel like it wouldn't be rude for me to leave at this point.

I go over to Andrew and thank him as I say goodbye to some of my friends I spot my mom. I quickly run up to her and say, "Hey mom, are you leaving?"

She nods her head as she sways a bit back and forth with a gooffy grin. I have an idea so I ask her, "Can you and Dad maybe give Aaliyah and me the house tonight?"

"Oh Shawn, did you really think I was driving back to Pickering tonight? I am so drunk right now that I am seeing two of you....Wait do you have a twin?"

I laugh at her comment as I say, "Lets get you and dad an Uber okay"

She smiles at me as she nods her head.


I only had three drinks, but even then I see it more fit to probably take a Uber home. I decided to leave my stuff in Teddys trunk, I mean it's not like I don't have stuff at my own home anyway.

As I hop into the uber I start wondering how mad Aaliayah is at me right now. I mean this is her senior year and our last year to really hang out before we both become too busy.

As the man pulls up to the house I don't even recodnise it. There is a drunk person throwing up in the lawn, red plastic cups scattered across the floor. And hundreds of people.

I hop out of the uber as I enter the house in search of Aaliyah. I first check the living room, nope. The dining room, nope. There is just too many people.

I finally realize where she must be, the basement. I dash down there as fast as I could and all I could smell when I first entered was weed and alcohol.

Once I fianally spot her I see her lips conected with some guys lips.

"Aaliyah Mendes" I boomed, everyone turned their heads into my derection.

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