Chapter 35 the next day

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Anna's POV
The next day

Today has been pretty amazing considering it's only been the first few hours of it. Let me start from the beginning. I woke up to find Shawn cuddling with me.

"Shawn" I giggled, he just pulled me in closer and said "I'm so glad I can call you mine again"

I smirk and kiss his forehead as we continue to cuddle. About 20 minutes later I get a call from Mara

"Hey Mara what's up?"

"Not much, Cameron and I are having breakfast right by your house, we'll swing by, be there in five!"

"Oh great" I try to say enthusiastic. As I hang up i panic.

"Shawn" I say shaking him trying to wake him up. Instead he just moans and turns to the side.

"Shawn!"  I say with more force pushing him.

"What?" He mumbles

"Mara and Cameron are gonna be here in 2 minutes you gotta go!"

"Why" Shawn pouts and curls his lip.

I smile and peck his cheek and say "because if we're really gonna do this relationship I don't want to involve anyone else except us in the beginning, after we're sure then we can talk to others."

Shawn looks up at me upset and says "but I want to tell the whole world your mine"

I smile and say "soon" as I throw his his clothes.

He smirks as he pulls a shirt over his chest I say "I'm gonna miss that view"  he continues to get changed, but right before I open the door to kick him out I see Mara and Cameron standing in front

Oh god

AN woah 570 views ❤️❤️❤️

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