Chapter 20 Girlfriends and Boyfriends

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Anna's POV
It had been a week since Shawn and I officially broke up, and I started dating jack. In the beginning Of our relationship I hated it cause I was only doing it so Shawn and I couldn't date, but the more I got to know him the more I realized how much of a gentleman he was.

"Morning sweetheart" jack said as he kissed my cheek

"Mhmmm five more minutes" jack nodded as he headed out of my bedroom.

Jack was always over, he practically lived at my house, granted he still owned his own.

After the five minutes were up I plopped out of bed and headed over to the kitchen as I sniffed I smelled the sweet sent of maple syrup mmm my favorite

I quickly sprinted downstairs to see a stack of pancakes with blueberries and whipped cream all over them.

I licked my lips as jack said
"A very special breakfast for my special lady"

"Oh jack" I said as I tried to cover up my blushed cheeks. Jack was a true gentleman.

I sat upright on the counter as I stuffed my face with pancakes. Ugh I love you so much

Jack looked at me with his eyes wide.

"What's wrong?" I ask

"I love you too" jack responds

Shit did I say that out loud

"Oh umm I was talking to the pancakes"

Jack quickly blushed as he said "oh umm....well look at the time gotta run bye!"

As jack dashed out of the door

I said out loud "did that really Happen"

Shawn's POV
All I can think about is Anna, is she still dating someone does she miss me like I miss her. But before I can finish my train of thought was interrupted by Hailey

"Shawn hey I'm talking to you!"

"Oh right um sorry. What were we taking about"

"Which color dress should I wear to my divorce?"

I cough as I say "divorce!?!?!?!"

"Yeah I'm dumping Justin to be with you a Shawn Isn't it great!"

She jumps on top of me as she wraps her arms Around my neck.

Oh god what have I gotten myself into

Thank you so much to anyone who reads this and or votes it makes me so happy 😃

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