Chapter 111 Cassie and Drew

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Annas POV
When shawn pulls up into my driveway it is silent at first, no one moves or gets out of the car. I want to end this awful silence but I don't know what to say. So I stay silent.

"I'm sorry that I got you in trouble Shawn" Cassie speaks up.

"No no no it's totally okay, no one believes what those paparazzi say anyway." Shawn says reassuring her with a smile.

"I know, but i made you punch that guy," Cassie says softly.

"Hey" shawn says putting a hand on her shoulder, "It was a long time coming for that guy, he has been a pain in my fucking ass since day 1."

I scold shawn with a look for his use of language while cassie giggles, "Come on Auntie Anna, its not like you don't swear every day."

I blush at my embarrassment from her saying that in-front of Shawn. Drew, now is the time to tell Cassie about Drew.

"Hey Shawn do you mind if I talk to Cassie in the car alone for a second"

"Sure" He nods as he hops out of the car and waits on the steps of my house on his phone.

I pat for Cassie to come join me in the front of the drivers set as she crawls over I laugh at how she somehow tangles herself onto the steering wheel with her legs.

"It's not funny Auntie Anna" Cassie scolds.

While I am continuing to laugh I say, "your lucky the car isn't on."


I frown as I realize I am about to ruin this little girls day, "Cassie I have to tell you something, and it will upset you. But I know I cant keep this from you forever, you have a right to know."

"Is it about my dad?" she asks as her eyes light up.

"Oh no, I'm sorry its not about him" I feel so bad seeing her heartbroken before I have even told her the bad news, "Actually I can just tell you later-"

"No wait! I want to know," Cassie is giving me her full attention as she stares me directly in the eyes I sigh.

"Drew cheated on me..."

Her eyes stay the same not blinking once, "Anna...I'm sorry, I already knew about this"

What? How could she have known.

"I caught Drew one day Anna, he swore to me he told you and that you forgave him. I didn't realize that he never told you, I thought he stopped this months ago" Cassie tells me almost as if she can hear my thoughts

Months, I though this was only going on for like a week.

"Months?" Is all I manage to say. I know if I say more the tears will come out and I wont be able to control them.

"Anna he said he was done after the last 2 girls, but I shouldn't have believed him," Cassie says looking panicked, "I'm sorry I should just stop talking."

She tries to go to hug me but I am frozen, it's like I cant move cant feel cant hear.

The next thing I know I am in my room staring at a picture frame of Drew and I. And before I know it the picture frame is on the ground and I am screaming.

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