Chapter 122 A new home

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Anna's POV

As Cassie and I pull up to our brand new house/apartment I stare at it in all its glory. It was an a pretty tall building, with the sides of it covered it glass. And two big glass doors showing off it's well furnitured inside. It was a very modern building, there were white walls and mirrors everywhere. Also all the furniture was either gray or black. Very sheek, definetly something GLAMOUR would love.

"Damn Auntie Anna, you did choose a pretty sweet place!" Cassie says as she dropped her bags. I went to go pick them up only to bonk heads with a doorman. I quickly shuffle up as I say, "Sorry I didn't want to make you get them."

"Oh it's no worries Miss, what is your room number?"

I check my phone for the number as I respond, "Room 225"

The young doorman nods as he takes the bag to the staff elevator.

I quickly turn back to Cassie to finish our conversation, "Thanks, but I didn't actually choose the place Ms.Gordon my boss did."

"Hm thats weird why would she do that?"

"I honestly have no clue, but she got us a discount for it so I dont mind" I say as I walk over to the elevator to go into our new home.


After a few hours of unpacking Cassie and I decide it best to just sit down and chill while watching a movie. Halfway through the movie Cassie and I decide to order pizza. Granted it was 9pm but we were still on California time.

As we were waiting there for our pizza we started to hear loud music next door, we both looked at eacother before Cassie says, "It's bound to stop soon. We probably don't have to worry."

But twenty minutes later when the pizza arives the music has only grown, as has the sound of people talking.

"That's it" I say getting up.

I quickly walk over to this anonomouys persons apartment as I bang loudly on the door no one answers, typical. I quickly walked into the room only to be greeted by a strong smell of weed and alcohol. I quickly scan the party for someone who is at least a tiny bit sober.

I look around to see a girl hanging out alone by a hallway looking scared for her life. I quickly walk up to her as I greet her with a smile, "Hi" I say.


"Sorry to bother you but I am wondering if you know who's house this is?"

"Oh um..I'm not sure, I came here with my roomate but now she ditched me to hook up with some guy so I've just been here alone"

"Oh okay, thanks anyway"



"All I know is it is some celbrity guy. I don't really think I am supposed to be here though" She says scared.

I laugh as I rest my hand on her arm, "Trust me all these people are too high to notice"

She smiled at me as she says, "Good luck finding the owner"

"Thanks" I chuckle as I walk back into the cloud of marijuana.

I turn my head when I hear a group of guys laughing on the couch. I recodnized one of there voices. As I pushed through the clumps of people I saw my favorite red head.

"Brian" I shouted. He turned to me and opened his eyes wide, "Anna"

I quickly ran over to him to give him a big hug. "It's been way too long" He says.

"It really has."

We hug for a bit too long while his friends stare at me, I remeber some of them like Ian, but the rest are all new faces.

"Like the outfit" Brian says eyeing me up and down.

I look down at what I am wearing to realize it is a Calvin Klein bra, and my pajama shorts.

"oh my god" I say quickly trying to cover myself up.

"Here" Brian says while chuckling, he takes off his hoodie from his college I can only suspect as he hands it over to me.

"Thank you" I say flashing him a smile.

"So A, what are you doing here in Toronto?"

"Oh. Well I actually moved here"

Brians eyes go wide a bit scared I can only assume he thinks I am following shawn.

"My company moved out here that's the only reason I am here"

"Oh" Brian says as he begins to relax his mucles.

"Hey Brian, by any chance is this your apartment?"

He scoffs as he says, "No, I can barely afford to live in my dorm"

I look at him seriously as I say, "Please don't say this apartment belongs to who I think your going to say"


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