Chapter 110 Drew

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Annas POV

"Is Drew going to be there?" Shawn asks.

Oh shit.

"Oh-Um" I start. I have no clue what to say, Cassie is right next to us and I feel like it would be better to tell her privately.

"He had to go on a last minute trip thing, so he'll be gone this week"

"Oh" Cassie and Shawn both say at the same time. I cant tell if they are both happy or just curious.

I decide that since I am the worlds worst liar I will tell Casie as soon as her and I are alone.

"We should get going" Shawn says, I catch him glaring outside the glass doors of the mall. There are paparazzi cameras everywhere. How could I not notice?!? I guess I was too busy thinking about drew.

"oh yeah." I say quietly.

We all head out of the mall and I can hear all of them screaming:

"Is that your wife?"
"What about Christina?"
"Who's the kid?"
"Why are you hanging out with your ex-girlfriend, cheating on Christina just like you did to camila Shawn?"

I turn my head toward shawn after that person asked that question only to see his fist connecting with the mans jaw. More shots and more lights started flashing. But I quickly grabbed Shawns hand he jerks back making me flinch a bit. His elbow came in contact with my gut which made me stumble back a bit.

He looked back at me immediately after and quickly came over to me.

"I'm fine don't worry" I say waving him off in dismissal.

Cassie helps me get back up, I didn't realize I was on the ground until she pulled me up. I look into Shawn's eyes, this is an entirely different person I am seeing infront of me. 4 years ago he would not even hurt a spider, now he has his fist in another mans face. I guess that when being in the spotlight as long as Shawn's been you are guaranteed to have a breaking point. Sadly I was caught in the crossfire and cameras were documenting it all.

we quickly rushed back to the car. I instinctively went to the drivers seat but shawn grabbed my hand and shook his head, "Please let me drive." I nodded as he hopped in and I went to sit in the passengers side.

It was an uncomfortable quiet ride back to the house.

And I still have to tell Cassie about Drew.

AN Shawn looks so hot in that photo up above 😂❤️😭

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