Chapter 121 1 Month later

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One Month Later

Annas POV:

"Well, that is the last of the stuff" I say to cassie as I drop the pillow into our car. It has been a month since I agreed to going to Toronto to work for Glamour there.

"Thank god were leaving LA" Cassie says as she leans against the car door.

"Wait I thought you liked it here?" I ask. Whenever Cassie and I talked she always was happy or so I thought.

"It's fine here but it is way too hot, Toronto will be so cold, think of all the new clothes I can buy" Cassie says excidetly. I laugh at her reasoning behind being happy for the move. Don't get me wrong I am happy she is excited to move, but her reasoning will lead to a dent in my credit card.

Over this past month I have thought of every possible situation to happen between me and Shawn. one, he and his girlfriend could've made up and I am wasting my time thinking about him. Two he could be obssesed with me as much as I am with him. Or three, he just doesn't care. To be honest, I am not even sure which one I am rooting for. They all sound pretty terrible to me.

"Lets get a move on" I hear Cassie say through the car, I see her climb over to the drivers seat and honk the horn continuesly.

"Oh no you dont kiddo, get in the passengers seat" I say opening the drivers seat.

"Aw come on I need to practice my driving skills"

"Ha ha now skootch over" I say, she shuffles over and I start the car and turn the engine on.

"Ready to start the next chapter of our lives?" I ask her.


Shawns POV

One month, one month and I haven't been able to write a song.

One month and my sister's and mines relationship has been ruined.

One month and the only thing I miss is Anna.

Does she think about me? Is she back with Drew? How is Cassie?

I wish I could've told Aaliyah that I could stay away from Anna but I knew I couldnt.


"Will you promise me to stay away from Anna?"

I stood there frozen, unsure of how to respond. Because I knew if I told her the answer she wouldn't forgive me. Not this time.

"Well?" Aaliyah said breaking me out of my thoughts.

I was silent for a few seconds before I said, "Aaliayh...."

She sighed as her eyes filled with tears, "Save it shawn" She stood up, "Have fun chasing Anna the rest of your life"

"Aaliayh wait" I shouted, but I knew she would hate me more if I chased after her.


As I stood up out of bed I realized that the only way I can feel any love close to what Anna gave me was to forget her.

I quickly checked my phone for the time. 12:45, Aaliyah would be eating lunch at school right now, if I hurry I can make it there.


As I pulled up to the highschool it brought back many of my own memories.

"Hey Mendes," A senior says to me.

I turn around a bit frighted of what he is going to say, "Yes" I gulp.

"Watched your vines" He says. Oh god now I am really getting a beating.

I flinched as he put his hand on me, "Little dude your a good singer, come on man sing something."

"Wait really?"

"Yeah man, I wouldn't be shocked if your famous one day!"


I see a couple kids who look familiar, I quickly walk up to the group of girls, "Hey have any of you seen my sister?"

They all stood there speechless, until one pointed over by the benches, there I saw her sitting with her best friend and that guy.

"AALIYAH" I quickly shout as I wave for her to come over.

She looks at me with a red face as she comes over she sighs, "Please leave shawn."

"I promise"

"Promise what?"

"To never think talk to or look at Anna ever again"

She looks at me stunned, "Do you really mean that?"

"I swear to you I will never talk to Anna ever again. I want to be a better brother"

"Thank you" She says as she pulls me into a hug.

"No I should be thanking you.

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