Chapter 113 Tell me when you ready

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Anna's POV

He hugs me as he says, "I don't want to be your rebound, so you can go ahead and kiss other guys but know this, I want to be the last one you ever love no matter how long it takes. Tell me when your ready, and I'll be waiting."

I want to scream in his face and say how stupid he is to have not realized how much I love him, how Drew was always my rebound and how Shawn was always the one. I know though if I choose to say that I am also agreeing to letting him break my heart. I am opening that door to all that pain that I have tried so hard to bandage back up, only to have put a bandaid over.

So intstead I keep my mouth shut and let Shawn hold me for a little longer.


I open my eyes to feel a body shift beside me. Right, I forgot shawn was here. I groan for a second before I can hear his shuffles pause. I decide to pretend like I am asleep to see how he will react.

I can hear his body go back to shifiting before opening and closing the door gently.

Immidiatly after he does that I stood up on the bed and go to face the window. I have a bad gut feeling that when I saw Shawn walk out of that door I wouldn't see him again. But I know him better than that, he wouldn't just leave. Or would he?

I keep my eyes on the window just incase.

When I hear the outer door open I shut my eyes and pray I am going crazy. But then when I hear the sound of I car noise and the back of a persons head, all my fears were confirmed. He really just left like that.

But Anna, seriosuly what did you expect. That he would actually stay here after he finds out what a mess you are? I scoff at my idea of a perfect world. One where Shawn doesn't leave.

I  know him leaving me here alone should've affected me more, but I know this will never sting as much as when he left me alone in the police station. Maybe I am jsut selfish, but that sure hurt a lot.

I sigh as I lean my head against the pillow, I can smell him. Most people would find it weird when a celebrity uses their own perfume but I love it. It makes me feel like when he is not around, that in a weird way he is.

Snap out of it Anna, you have to get over him and move on. He leaves you every time so what made you think that this time would be diffrent?

I sigh as I shuffle around my room picking up bits and peices of clothing that were left everywhere. I just cleaned this room yesterday, how is it so messy?

After I have finished cleaning my room for the second time this weel I decide it is best to take a shower. I grab a flannel button up, a tank top, and some mom jeans. I know its weird to call them mom jeans since I am technically a "mom" but I honestly don't care.

After I have laced my hair with shampoo and conditioner twenty minutes into my shower I hear a knock.

"Come in Cassie" I say to her.

"Um...Its not Cassie" The voice responds 

Oh fuck.

If I can't have you is so good ❤️😭❤️

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