Chapter 116 Reality

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Anna's POV

My thoughts are soon snapped back into reality when I hear a car honking for me to go behind me.

He didn't come back for me. He really left me.

As much as I hate to admit it, I always hope he will come back but he never does. He leaves me diapointed each time. Well no more sitting around and moping for you Anna, you can't just keep waiting your entire life for a guy who will only half love you. You deserve much damn better than that.

I start the car as I head home to start a new chapter of my life, one that is as far away from Shawn Mendes as possible.

Shawns POV

Oh my god I want to go back so much, but I am in enoguh deep shit as it is with andrew. I know its pathetic to say that I am 24 years old and my manager basically controls my life. But I wouldnt be where I was today if it was not for him. So as much as I hate it I have to listen to him.

Once I am off the plane I realize I have no security for me, and I am alone.

Shit I really didn't think this through.

I try and put on some sunglasess and a baseball hat which makes my hair fall to the side. I get a few stares, I can tell they are trying to figure out if I am famous or not but I just keep on walking.

Once I finally reach the streets I sigh as I grab out my phone to call andrew.

"Where the hell have you been Shawn?!"

"It's nice to see you too andrew" I tell him.

"Where are you right now?"


He sighs as he says, "I will be there in ten mintues"

I nod realizing he can't see me so I jsut say, "Thank you"


I have been sitting here on my phone for about twenty mintues waiting for Andrew to come. I know he's probably just stuck in traffic but I have this bad feeling that somthing might've happend to him.

I decided agaisnt calling him just incase that might distract him so instead I sent him a text.

To aNDrEw: Hey, just checking in all is good?

Five minutes later and there still is no response, I am starting to freakout a little bit even though I know it is probably nothing.

"There you are!"I hear a familair voice say.

I look over puzzled as I say, "teddy? What are you doing here?"

"Picking you up you dumbass" She laughs as she turn around I am suspecting to walk to her car.

I follow close behind as I ask, "How much shit am I in with Andrew?"

"Suprisingly none, he was able to clear up everything in a second, thats what hapens when you are americas sweetheart"

"But I am canadian?" I aksed puzzled.

"Hon its an expression" She laughs as we reach her car.

"Oh" I laugh joining in.

Well this isn't that bad, thank goodness Andrew was able to deal with the press for me, I hate them sometimes. I love my fans, but I hate the paparatzi

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