Chapter 130 Summer!

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Anna's POV
It has been three months since my last encounter with Shawn, and five since I told him off for being a selfish prick. I am currently in my apartment trying to edit these photos I took of Sabrina carpenter, she was our female inspiration this year.

"Mmm babe" Charlie says as his eyes start to flutter, he reaches for my thigh and slowly caresses it as with his other hand he grabs his phone to check the time.

"Holy shit Anna its five am why are you up now??"

I shrug as I respond, "I just wanted to quickly finish up editing these photos before you woke up so we could spend the entire day together"

He runs his hand through his hair only for it to flatten back to normal, "Aw babe that's sweet" He quickly pecks my lips as he stands up to go to the bathroom.

Charlie and I don't really get to see each other too much, which kind of upsets me but I know he tries to always be there for me. Even though he is trying to get me to move to LA so it would be easier Ms.Gordon won't let me. Although she did almost blackmail me, once she found out I was dating Charlie while Shawn was my next door neighbor she gave me a huge bonus, which I did reject.

I quickly glance back at the photo and let procrastination take over.

Eh I have two more days, and Charlie leaves tonight so I will be fine.

I slide out of bed and slip on Charlies dark blue sweatshirt with the words Gucci written on it. As he walks out of the bathroom he quickly goes to put on some pants along with a button up t-shirt.

"Alright babe" He says laughing as he holds out his hand for the sweatshirt.

"No please It's comfy" I say pouting my lips flirty.

"Babe, come on it was expensive" He says a bit more aggravated, I roll my eyes as I take it off and hand it to him. He doesn't even put it on, he just places it in his suitcase.

Most boyfriends love it when there girlfriends wear their clothes, but Charlie just gets mad and calls it "Expensive"

We have been dating for four months now, but we still haven't made it official to the public. Even though all of our friends know we're official. We have even already said I love you to each other.

I sigh as I rest my hands on the counter and look at myself in the mirror, I have gained a bit of weight in these past few months, and Charlie never fails to tease me. I hope he's only joking when he says it, but each time he does it makes me love him a bit less.

"Hey Babe best news ever-" Charlie says barging in. He eyes my body up and down making me feel even more self conscious, "Do you want me to get you a gym membership?" He asks jokingly.

"Charlie please" I beg him.

"Right sorry, too far Baby"

"Thank you"


I look at him as a smirk begins to show on his face. "What is it?" I question.

"I just found out I am nominated for a Grammy"

"Wow really" I say jumping into his arms, he laughs as he nods facing me. "It's insane, but it will be hard to win"

"Who are you up against?" I say still wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Well there's Harry styles, Taylor swift, Cardi B, and Shawn Mendes. And guess what's even better?"

"What" I say so excited.

"Your coming with me!"

"No way!" I say so excited.

"Yeah, and were gonna be at a table with all four of those people, it's going to be insane. Imagine how much attention I will get sitting next to legends"

I freeze as I plaster a fake smile. Charlie still doesn't know about my history with Shawn so he doesn't understand why I am not happy

"That's so great" I say lying through my teeth.

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