Chapter 127 Babe

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Shawn's POV
I am checking my phone, Anna think a I am doing something important on it but I am just in my notes pretending to type.

"Hey Shawm, my friend Is coming over soon..."

I frown at the mention of her "Friend" I don't know if she realizes I know who Charlie is or is trying not to hurt my feelings. Instead of answering her I choose to pretend like I didn't hear, little does she know she has all my attention. She tries to clear her throat to motion she wants me to leave, and at this point I get the message, but for some reason I want to be the one who has to leave and not be kicked out.

I pretend to look upset as something has come onto my phone, "Sorry babe I gotta go" I say. All of a sudden an idea pops into my head, I kiss her on the cheek as I open the door to see her "friend" Charlie. I shoot him a wink as I head out of the door.

Annas POV
Charlie walks out of my apartment after giving shawn a stunned look.

"You know Shawn Mendes?" He asks shocked.

I sigh as I reply, "Not really he's just my annoying next door neighbor who decided he wanted to borrow some of my WIFI cause his was too slow." I decided against telling Charlie about the whole past of me and Shawn, I mean the past is the past am I right? It was four years ago and I doubt he really would care about stuff from so long ago.

"Damn can I be next door neighbors with Shawn?' He asks jokingly. I shake my head back and fourth as I laugh.

"Cute room" He says pointing to Cassie's room. Uh oh, I totally forgot to tell him about cassie.

"I have to tell you something?" I ask rather than saying.

"Go on" He nods.

I take a deep breath in as I say, "That's my nieces room, she lives with me."

He nod and looks at me, "So...?"

"So I'm kind of like her mom, her father and mother both passed away."

He looks at me in awe, "Wow you are really everything aren't you"

I shyly ask, "Are you still interested in me?"

"Of course! Your still one of the most kindest and definitely most gorgeous girl I've met, just because you have to take care of more than yourself doesn't change that"

"Thank you" I say smiling

"Shall we head out?"

"We shall" I say taking his arm and heading out. Next door I hear a banging noise, I flinch at the sound but continue to walk with Charlie.

Shawns POV
As I smash my guitar on the ground I realize what I have actually done, "No no no no no" I say trying to pick up the pieces, lately I have just had all this built up anger and I don't know what to do with it. Anna leaving with Charlie really just set me off.

I look around my house for the liquor only to realize we finished it all when I threw that party, gosh that feels like so long ago. That's crazy to think that was only two nights ago.

I sit down with my elbows resting on my knees as i try to muffle my cries. I just cant feel the same way anymore, she jsut makes me feel so many unwanted emotions, I'm lying to Aaliyah to Anna and to myself.

I sit there crying as I hope for the pain to go away.

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