Chapter 78 Police

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Anna's POV
As Shawn and I reach the police station I can feel nerves running throughout me. When I saw that video I really got the grasp of the situation. My brother and sister and being held captive my parents are to fucking stubborn to help their own kids and the only person I can trust is my ex who I'm pretty sure is engaged. Wow my life is truly fucked up.

As Shawn pulls the car into the parking lot he turns off the engine and takes out the keys as he looks at me.

"Would you like me to do the talking?" He asks. I can hear his voice shaking, him and I are both pretty roughed up after this.

I tried to speak but no words came out so instead I nodded. He grabbed my hand as we walked into the police station.

"Hello can I help you, oh it's you ma'm!" The police officer says. I just look at him trying to smile but I'm too much of shock to do anything.

"Is something wrong?" The police officer asks. My grip on Shawn's wrist tightens as he says to the man "um yes, here" he shows him the video. I see the officers face go from being bright and cheerful to fear and shock.

"We need you two to file a report immediately" he says in a serious voice leading us to a back room.

Skip all the formal stuff.

After about two hours we were done filling out the paperwork. The officer has assured us that there would be someone immediately working on this since it was a time sensitive case. In the meantime we were stuck in one of those plain beige rooms somewhere in the precinct. I was staring straight ahead at a blank wall. Everything felt numb.

"Where is he..yes I'm allowed to see him I'm his manager! YOU WANT A LAWSUIT MAN" I instantly knew it was Andrews voice. As the door opened it revealed a very angry Andrew and a quite scared officer.

"Sir I'm sorry but all relatives of the kidnapping situation need to remain in custody. We're just trying to keep them safe" the officer says to Andrew.

"DO YOU KNOW WHO THIS IS!" Andrew yells at the officer. He shakes his head no.

"This is Shawn Mendes he has to be on tour in 2 days and has not packed at all and he is not family so he is leaving!" Andrew says.

I know he didn't mean to offend me but that kind of stung since I was still his photographer.

"Wait so he's not related to the hostages?" The officer asks

"No! That's what I've been saying" Andrew hissed.

"Oh well then he's free to go"

"Thank you" Andrew says in a much calmer town. Finally he looks at me sympathetically and goes to hug me. "I'm sorry for what's Happening to you and I know this is the last thing on your mind but I'm sorry we're going to have to replace you"

I look at him dumbfounded "are you firing me" I ask in a gently voice.

Andrew looks down at the ground before dragging Shawn out of there before he could say anything the doors closed again locking me in their Alone.

I curled up on one of the chairs trying to hold back the tears that have escaped my face.

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