Chapter 79 The station

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Shawn's POV
Immediately after Andrew pulled me out of the room I hissed "what did you do that for!"

"Shawn now look I know your going to hate me right now for firing Anna and making you leave, god even now when I'm saying it I sound like I bad person. But trust me I'm doing this for your career, you have tour in 2 days for god sakes and your a complete mess! I know you love Anna but last I checked your engaged to Camila. So listen to me now cause I'm only going to say this once. You can either walk out of this station with me and do the thing you love the most or you can go back into that room and sit there while millions of your fans are crying wishing you came"

Andrew looked me straight into the eyes the entire time he was speaking. I could hear the emotion in his voice, how much he really cared. I never realized that until this very moment.

I sighed as I said "Let's go"

He nodded as we walked to the car.

Now I know what I choose to do was selfish, but sitting in that room waiting was not making any difference in helping Anna. As much as I wanted to stay there, put my arm around her, stroke her hair and say everything would be alright I couldn't. I love Anna I always will. I also love my fans though, and the thought of disappointing every single one of them breaks me.

As we reach the car it is a silent ride until Andrew decides to turn on the radio.

"Hey guys the next song is a special treat from your favorite Canadian!"

Right then my sing Why starts playing.  Both Andrew and I chuckle as he turns up the volume.

The radioman starts talking and Andrew goes to switch channels but I say "no wait I want to hear what he talks about"

Andrew keeps his eyes on the road as he nods and leans back into his chair.

"Some fans speculate the song is about Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello" I hear a mans voice talking

"Well it would make complete sense right Barry" a woman's voice says

"That's right Angela, but some fans say it could also be about his photographer...what was her name? Oh right Angel or something"

It's Anna you dick. I quickly turn off the radio and cross my arms as I sulk back into my seat. Now I feel worse and more groggy than I did before.

When Andrew pulls up to my apartment I quickly hop out and I hear Andrew say

"Wait, don't forget, it's okay to be selfish at some points of your life. Sometimes being a narcissist is the only way to fix whatever mess your in"

I don't even both to turn around. I just open my door to my apartment building.

I start to do the only thing I can think of doing. Packing.

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