Chapter 129 six Drinks later

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Shawns POV
It's been about two hours of Anna being gone I know this because I have been sitting outside of her door waiting for her to come so I can tell her I miss her. It's stupid I know but I think I love her. My brain is a bit fuzzy from all those drinks, but I still take a swig from the bottle of Rum I brought over, not the greatest, but it was all I could find at the store. Guess everyone needs a bit of cheering up tonight too.

Annas POV
As I walk over to the elevator I touch my lips, they feel so weak after that kiss, I know that sounds weird but I love that feeling. It feels a bit sour though, when I was kissing Shawn it was never bitter it felt like honey oozing out of my lips. Snap out of it Anna, don't start comparing them.

I press my floor as I patiently wait, wondering how Cassie is doing at her new friends house. I realized how much my life has changed because of Cassie, but its the best thing ever. She is such a bright and beautiful child and I hate to see her grow up.

Once I reach my floor the doors open and my eyes scan the hallway as they hit to the sight of a drunken shawn aimlessly staring at the wall across from him.

"Shawn" I sigh as I walk up to him. Thank goodness Cassie is not here to see him in the state he's in right now.

"Anna! Your here" He gets up from his spot of the floor stumbling at first only to grab onto me for support, he strokes my cheek as he says, "my sweet sweet Anna"

"Shawn, your drunk, go home"

"I need to talk you" he points to me and then points to himself "And me"

"But your drunk, you don't know what your saying"

"Drunker-en words speak truth" He slurs

I roll my eyes as I say, "Fine"

"I love-"

"Don't Shawn..."

"But its true! I love you Anna and I want to be with you and be happy and be sad and be all"

At this point I am aggravated, he always says I want to be with you. Your the only one for me. And then he does some messed up shit behind my back.

"Shawn, If you truly want to be with me, tell me now. Say to me Anna I want to be with you and I will love you. I will promise to never cheat, never lie, and always be there for me" I say to him. I know its crazy, but if he could promise to do these things or at least try, then I would know he truly cares for me.

As I look back at him he looks at me, a bit more sober than before, "Anna you know-" He starts before I cut him off laughing.

"Trust me Shawn I know how this goes, 'I cant make those promises Anna' 'My fans come first' 'I'm just not ready' well guess what Shawn, I fucking am ready. ready to move on and be happy with a life about someone who cares for me. Someone who will give me there 100%" I scoff as i continue, "And as a matter of fact if you were able to promise me one thing that you would love me unconditionally than I would be with you right now and not Charlie! But you make love so complicated, I am done goodbye" I slam the door on his face, not caring if he was hurt by the words that came out of my mouth. It was such a cathartic moment for me that I know I truly needed.

Now that Shawn Mendes was forever out of my life, all of this complicated love between me and him would be gone forever.

I am thinking about having this be the last chapter...But I want to know ur opinion (I will for sure make another chapter if you guys want me to). I love writing this story tho!

Complicated love 🥀 // SMWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu