Chapter 3 Just The Man I Didn't Wanna See

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Anna's POV
"Cameron, what are you doing here?" I start, but before I could finish he interrupted me "look I know you and I haven't talked in...well a while" he says.

God he's so perfect I wish I ended up with him now your probably wondering wait what!?!! Anna dated Cameron well him and I actually grew up together, he was my boyfriend until high school ended.

We had been dating for three years this was at the begging of 2015 and it turns out that fame had gotten to his head a little too much because before I knew it he had cheated on me. And worse of all I found out through Mara, her and Cameron were best friends before that and he told her everything, but when he told her that she knew she had to tell me. That's how Mara and I are best friends, she's the only one I really trust.

"What the hell do you want, to rub it in my face, to say I told you so?" I was pissed not only at Cameron but at the world, Shawn and I had this thing and I had to go ruin it.

"Wow wow calm down, I just drove down to ask you if you were okay" he said. Cameron is so much more gentle than I remember in high school.

When he said that I just broke down "no I'm not okay, I have been chasing after the same guy for three years and each time he breaks my heart" It feels weird opening up to Cameron the boy who also broke my heart, but he was the only one there, and trust me I needed someone.

"Here calm down and just lay on he bed" Cameron said. He gently picked me up off the ground and carried me to my bed, I was still crying a little and could see the stains from my tears on his shirt.

After he gently placed me down I reached for his hand and said "wait can you stay here a bit?"Cameron flashed me one of his famous Dallas smiles and sat next to me. I hit the play button on sixteen candles and we watched in silence.

Shawn's POV
(1 hour later)
Ugh I'm in some deep shit right now, and the one person I want to talk to I can't. "Why is life so complicated" I say to my friend Josh.

"Dunno man why do you make life so complicated?" That got me thinking I just need to tell Anna, that will make everything better. Tell Anna I love her.

I'm finally walking out of my lift to her sisters house. (Anna didn't wanna stay on the tour bus in Denver since her sister lives here). And before I can even enter, a swarm of paparazzi come after me, gosh there like little bees.

Thankfully Anna's sister doesn't 100% hate me yet so she runs past me and yells at them all saying there on 'private property' and she's going to 'sue their asses' before I run up to the second floor of her house, her sister stops me. "I'm not sure you wanna go in there" I cup her sisters hands and kiss her on the cheek "trust me" As  I open up the door I look to see Dallas my ex friend with my girl, both asleep. I slam the door open wide. "What the hell dude!?!" Cameron says

Anna bolts up and says in a sleepish voice "what's going on" she yawns and turns to see me. "Shawn wait it's not what it looks like" I slam that door as the entire house shakes behind me.

Anna's POV
Oh shit oh shit we must've fallen asleep and made it look like oh shit. Without thinking I run out in the street.

Still wearing my gray cropped tank top and pajama pants from this morning. Shawn's running through traffic, I barely make it to the other side without being hit. Now we're both standing in the middle of the road with cars zooming by us and honking on every side.

I grab Shawn by the waist and cup his face in my hand, he's barely looking at me, I can feel his anger through his face. I start to say "Shawn look at me.." he quickly yanks away from my hand.

When all the paparazzi start to see us, they rush over and start taking pictures of us in the street too. I know there's only one thing I can do, I closed my eyes and kissed him, not even a long kiss just one to make him remember us.

But it's too late after I opened my eyes he was gone. And I was standing there all alone.

"AUGHHH" I slam the door to my sisters house shut. "Next time you do that you pay for a new door" she starts, "yeesh young dumb love" Usually I respond to those things but today I felt like an lava that had exploded, all I wanted to do was cool down.

3 hours pass and I'm bored of tv so I go to flip to the news. But as I'm skipping through the channels all I see is videos of my meltdown with Shawn.

As I look up to the celling and lay there, I hear someone's phone buzz. Nope that's not my ringtone. As I look to the side table it's Cameron's phone with a text from Mara saying: I miss you

What the hell's going on?

End of chapter 3
Sorry this is a longer chapter but I hope you enjoyed it!
(Yes I'm posting 2 within the same day I'm just bored tho lol)

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